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Anti-Aging Summer Drinks From CBS and Health Magazine

9 Jun

*** Summer drinks that are healthy and fight aging from Health Magazine.

From Denny: Who ever thought drinking fruit drinks could help to fight the signs of aging? Health Magazine’s senior food and nutrition editor Frances Largeman-Roth, a registered dietitian, show us how delicious it can be to take care of your health and look good in the process.

First things first. When the hot summer arrives it’s easy to reach for sugary drinks and processed foods. Bad idea. Sugar and processed foods age us, especially the skin. Here are some tasty alternatives to help slow down the clock.

Summer is a great time to pay special attention to our health and utilize fresh produce from local farmers markets and grocers. “You can stay away from processed foods all summer because of all this stuff that’s ripe and accessible — no reason to grab stuff in a package,” Largeman-Roth says. “If it’s processed, most processed foods will have preservatives and are high in sodium, which we know we should cut back on.”

Who can benefit from these anti-aging drinks? Well, everyone. Why wait until you are middle-aged before deciding to take care of your skin? Actually, Health Magazine developed these recipes with the average female reader in mind of the age range of 35-50 years old. Largeman-Roth adds, “But they could be great for anyone, young or old, male or female. They are a refreshing and healthy way to get more whole foods into your diet.”

These ingredients are recommended to be eaten or drunk at least once a day to receive maximum benefit. “The caveat with beverages is that people tend to over-consume,” according to Largeman-Roth. “We try to keep the portion size smart. You don’t want to drink your calories, so make sure this is part of your daily calorie intake.”

Watch CBS News Videos Online

From CBS, About Health Magazine’s anti-aging drinks:

1. Tropical Treat Smoothie

Active anti-age ingredient: MATCHA.

Why it’s good for you: Rich in nutrients, antioxidants and chlorophyll, the health benefits of matcha exceed those of other green teas-drinkers ingest the whole leaf (in powdered form), not just the brewed water. One glass of matcha is the equivalent of 10 glasses of green tea in terms of nutritional value and antioxidant content. Also it has no calories.

The powerful antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) in matcha green tea is 137 times greater than the amount of EGCG in regular green tea.

The ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) of antioxidants within matcha green tea is exponentially higher than other foods known for their high antioxidant levels such as blueberries and spinach. The ORAC rating of matcha is 1300 units/g, compared to 105 units/g for pomegranates and 91 units/g for wild blueberries.

2. Very Cherre Spritzer — (Not available elsewhere online) –

Active anti-age ingredient: CHERRY JUICE.

Why it’s good for you: Inflammation inside your body leads to premature aging and illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. That means foods that fight inflammation-like tart cherries-could add years to your life. In a recent study, researchers found that giving whole tart cherries to lab rats reduced two common markers of blood vessel inflammation by up to 50 percent. The cherry eaters also gained less weight and experienced big drops in cholesterol.

3. Double C Smoothie

Active anti-age ingredient: VITAMIN C

Why it’s good for you: This smoothie has 158mg of vitamin C, which is more than 100% of the RDA. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and helps fight free-radical damage-both inside the body and when applied to the skin.

4. Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie

Active anti-age ingredient: PEANUTS (RESVERATROL). The first major (and all-natural) anti-aging phytochemical.

Where you’ll find it: We’ve all heard about the benefits of resveratrol in wine, but that’s not the only source. The roots, stems, leaves, shells, and seeds of peanut plans Are also high in this antioxidant. Peanut butter is a great source!

Why it’s good for you: Preliminary research suggests that resveratrol can lengthen the lives of mice. Will it work for you? It’s too soon to know, but red grapes (plus mixed berries, peanuts, and a little red wine) are the best sources of this promising ingredient.

This magic phytochemical shows signs of preventing damage to blood vessels, reducing “bad” cholesterol, and preventing blood clots.

5. Blackberry-Banana Slim Down Smoothie

Active anti-age ingredient: BANANA

Why it’s good for you: Bananas aren’t just for making a bowl of bran cereal less boring. They are rich in vitamin B-6 something your body may need more of as you age, especially if you’re a woman. Researchers found that women of childbearing age, particularly those taking oral contraceptives, are much more likely than men to have inadequate amounts of vitamin B6. The nutrient is necessary for estrogen metabolism, researchers say, and the Pill adds more estrogen to your body.

B6 is also vital for red blood cell function, a healthy immune system, and normal brain activity; low levels can lead to a form of anemia. Another B benefit: Research in the journal Neurobiology shows that boosting B12 intake could reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s. Bananas, baked potatoes, and chicken are good sources of B6; eggs, meat, and milk are high in B12. Bonus: Bananas help keep you full with resistant starch!


Tropical Treat Smoothie

Prep: 7 minutes.
Yield: Makes 1 smoothie (1 1/4 cups)


1 cup fresh or frozen unsweetened pineapple cubes (such as Dole), plus a pineapple wedge for garnish
1/2 cup soft silken tofu
1/2 cup coconut sorbet
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint leaves
1/2 teaspoon minced peeled fresh ginger
2 tablespoons cold water
Matcha tea (1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon to taste)


1. Purée all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into a chilled serving glass, and garnish with pineapple wedge; serve.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 310
Fat: 6g (sat 3g,mono 0.0g,poly 1g)
Cholesterol: 5mg
Protein: 11g
Carbohydrate: 58g
Fiber: 3g
Iron: 2mgs
Sodium: 95mg
Calcium: 89mg

Very Cherre Spritzer


4 oz. Very Cherre Juice
Plain Seltzer
Fresh cherry


1. Pour 4 oz. Very Cherre juice into glass. Top with plain seltzer and garnish with fresh cherry. Serve with or without ice.
2. Add champagne or other alcohol to make your favorite cocktail.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 67

Double C Smoothie

Prep: 10 minutes.
Yield: Makes 1 smoothie (about 1 cup)


1 small (9-ounce) papaya (preferably strawberry variety), peeled and chopped
1/4 cup vanilla low-fat frozen yogurt or kefir
1 1/2 tablespoons light agave nectar, divided
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 chopped peeled kiwifruit, divided


1. Purée papaya in a blender with frozen yogurt, 1 tablespoon agave nectar, and lime juice. Pour into a chilled serving glass.
2. Rinse blender, and purée kiwifruit, reserving 1 slice, with remaining 1/2 tablespoon agave until smooth. Spoon on top of papaya mixture, and garnish with kiwifruit slice; serve.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 307
Fat: 3g (sat 1g, mono 0.0g, poly 0.0g)
Cholesterol: 33mg
Protein: 6g
Carbohydrate: 67g
Fiber: 5g
Sodium: 35mg
Calcium: 194mg

Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie

Yield: serves 3 (serving size: 1 cup)


1 cup sliced ripe banana
1 cup one percent chocolate low-fat milk
1/2 cup vanilla low-fat frozen yogurt
2 tablespoons natural-style peanut butter
1 (8-ounce) carton vanilla low-fat yogurt


1. Place banana in freezer; freeze until firm (about an hour). Remove from freezer; let stand 5 minutes. Combine banana and remaining ingredients in a blender; process until smooth. Serve immediately.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 201
Fat: 5.9g (sat 1.7g, mono 2.5g,poly 1.3g)
Cholesterol: 6mg
Protein: 8.5g
Carbohydrate: 31g
Fiber: 1.8g
Iron: 0.5mg
Sodium: 113mg
Calcium: 222mg

Blackberry-Banana Slim Down Smoothie

Prep: 10 minutes.
Yield: Makes 2 servings (serving size: about 2 cups)


2 cups frozen blackberries
1 small banana, sliced
1/2 cup light coconut milk
1/2 cup plain low-fat yogurt
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest


1. Process blackberries, banana, coconut milk, yogurt, lemon juice, honey, and lemon zest in a blender until smooth.
2. Divide the mixture evenly into 2 chilled glasses, and serve.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 250
Fat: 5g (sat 3g,mono 0.0g,poly 0.0g)
Cholesterol: 4mg
Protein: 6g
Carbohydrate: 52g
Fiber: 9g
Iron: 2mg
Sodium: 61mg
Calcium: 161mg

*** Photo from CBS

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs 9 May 2010

9 May

From Denny: This sure has been a wild ride for the news, the BP oil spill attempt at clean-up, the crazy British election and the huge sudden drop in the stock market. I gathered some of the better stories over at Dennys Global Politics.

You just have to read about the odd new health stories about empathy nasal spray for men and the strange neck treatment for PTSD relief. And the political cartoons were out in full force as social commentary on it all so you know I just had to park a number of those posts on several blogs for Saturday! 🙂

Hope everyone had a great Mothers Day! And thank you all for your great support!

The Social Poets:

Oil Spill Disaster Cartoons – Whats Happening This Week in America – 8 May 2010

One Mother and One Child poem 4 Mothers Day – Libations Friday 7 May 2010

Transocean Kidnapped Oil Rig Survivors, Coerced Signing No Legal Repsonsiblity

Funny Parenting Quotes 4 Mothers Day – Cheeky Quote Day 5 May 2010

BP Only Responsible to $75 Million 4 Oil Disaster By USA Law

Roundup of Late Night Funnies – 3 May 2010

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs 2 May 2010

Dennys Global Politics:

Greek Debt Crisis 4 The World: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

1,000 Point Stock Market Plunge, Brits Still Tied After Election, Examining Obamas Humor – News Headlines 7 May 2010

USA Offshore New Oil Drilling Halted, New USA Terrorist Screening, 3-Way Tie in Brit Election – News Headlines 6 May 2010

Supreme Court Pick Hunt, Dems Whimp Out on Finanacial Fund 4 Reform, How You Get on No-Fly List, Obama Tough on Airlines – News Headlines 5 May 2010

Pakistan Trained Bomber, Obamas Workaholic Ways, Catholics Polled About Sex Abuse – News Headlines 4 May 2010

BP Oil Spill Coverage – News Headlines 3 May 2010

The Soul Calendar:

Funny Wall Street Cartoons – 8 May 2010

Video: Check Out the River Monsters Swimming Near You

Bloggers: Get The New Google Buzz Buttons

Neuroscience: Want Your Man to Better Understand You? Try Empathy Nasal Spray

The Healing Waters:

Controversial Successful New Treatment 4 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:

Mothers Day Quote From Rose Kennedy

How Can You Help Your Child Keep Their Balance And Yours?

Dennys Funny Quotes:

The Great American Immigration Debate: Political Cartoons – 8 May 2010

Funny Video: Health Care Rage-Ex by Cartoonist Mark Fiore

Funny Animated Cartoon on Economy: Crashiversary Video by Mark Fiore

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd:

Times Square Terrorist Bomber: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

10 Funny Odd Photos – cute animals and crazy dressed people!

Funny Video: TV Anchor Falls off Chair

Food blogs:

Tradtional Sandwiches Updated: California Tuna Melt, Egg Salad

Chocolate Wonders: Kentucky Derby Pie, Make-ahead Chocolate Soufflé

Video: Louisiana Chef Makes Crawfish Etouffee

Easy Moist Chocolate Mayo Cake From Bon Appetit

Visual Insights:

Dennys Photo Gallery: Garden Views

Funny Love-Hate Relationships of Fox News, Republicans, Tea Party, Airlines and Obama Cartoons – 8 May 2010

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs 25 Apr 2010

26 Apr

From Denny: Reading is such a pleasure because we can learn new information or take a mental trip into someone else’s world to see what they discover. These days I seem to be on the writing end rather than the reading end. Maybe that’s what happens after you spend so much time reading: you start writing! 🙂

I love to poke around and see what I find and then share it on my blogs. Here are some of the latest posts and also many of the most popular ones from my many eclectic interests, enjoy! And hey! – if you cook anything wonderful from these recipe posts, send a sample dish my way – and let me know how you have altered the recipes to your tastes. We love trying new foods at our house!

The Social Poets:

Whats Happening in America This Week – Political Cartoons 24 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Versus Violent Wingnuts and Blowhard Limbaugh

Hey, Tea Party, Give Up Your Socialism Social Security Checks – Roundup of Late Night Comedy 19 Apr 2010

Pollen Storms poem – Libations Friday 9 April 2010

Top 15 Bestsellers of What America is Reading: 15 Apr 2010

The Smallest Earth Day Poem

Release Your Dreams & Spring into Life – poem

Funny Allergy Quotes – Cheeky Quote Day 7 Apr 2010

Funny Tax Quotes – Cheeky Quote Day 14 Apr 2010

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs – 18 Apr 2010

Dennys Global Politics:

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

Icelands 2nd Volcano, Haiti Food Stops, Wayward Nukes Seized, Freaky Unschooling, Earth Day – News Headlines 21 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Versus Violent Wingnuts and Blowhard Limbaugh

Poison Politics Meet Domestic Terrorists, Volcano Axes Economies, Wall Street War, Octupus Thief – News Headlines 20 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Interviews, Slamming Wall Street, Tea Party Spat With Fox, Volcano Effect – News Headlines 19 Apr 2010

Beautiful Quotes:

How Is Your Relationship With Your Inspiration Muse?

What Spiritual Tests Develop Good Character And Our Talents? – with over 12,700 views the first day that sure was a happy surprise. Thank You!

Your Dreams: 5 Common Characteristics

Does Your Life Feel Like a Disaster?

3 Quotes About Facing Tough Times

Uplifting Soul Quote: What is Your Power in the World?

Spiritual Energy: Can Simple Words Add to Our Quality of Life?

Humor Blogs:

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

Ridiculous Outrageous Extra Airline Fees: Political Cartoons

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

College Grads Chances of Finding Jobs: Political Cartoons

Funny Earth Day Cartoons

Take the Test: Whats Your Sex IQ?

Crazy Limbaugh Blames Iceland Volcano on Obama

Outrageous Tea Party Tax Signs and the Perverted Fools That Carry Them

Food Blogs:

Cooking 4 Men, Teaching Men to Cook 2

Gorgeous Whiskey Chocolate Brownies

2 Crowd Pleasing Easy Casseroles: Mexican Lasagna, Turkey Tetrazzini

Awesome Cajun Barbecued Shrimp — New Orleans Style

Yummy Homemade Coconut Cream Pie

Awesome Sauces 4 Louisiana Seafood

New Orleans Recipes: Crawfish Etouffee, Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Jambalaya, Sazerac Cocktail

Kid Friendly Recipes: Chocolate Quesadillas, Very Best Fudge

Spring Into Grill Season: Mouthwatering Steaks

Chef Rocco Dispiritos Cheap Yet Healthy Comfort Food

Forget the Birds: Awesome Recipes 4 Stale Bread

Flourless Passover Chocolate Cake

Kid Chefs Offer Tasty Recipes 4 Sandwiches Adults Will Like

The Soul Calendar – science:

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

Icelands Volcanic Ash: Hurting Us And Our Planet?

What Do All the Recent Global Earthquakes Mean?

Come to Iceland: Experience Living With a Volcano in Your Back Yard

Moon Water: Order Up Your Cocktail Today

New Astronomy Photos: Cosmic Rosebud, Winds of Change Black Hole, Orion Nebula

Visual Insights – photos:

Happy Birthday to Our Humanitarian Friend Peter

Dennys Photo Gallery: How to Know Its Spring

Funny Odd Couples: Cats and Their Weirdo Friends

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

Dennys Photo Gallery: Beautiful Blues in Our World

Photography, Beautiful Metaphor for Life: 17 Boats

Only White Theme: 26 Photos

Photo History: 1st Lady Gowns, Michelle Obama Donates Hers

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs 25 Apr 2010

25 Apr

From Denny: Reading is such a pleasure because we can learn new information or take a mental trip into someone else’s world to see what they discover. These days I seem to be on the writing end rather than the reading end. Maybe that’s what happens after you spend so much time reading: you start writing! 🙂

I love to poke around and see what I find and then share it on my blogs. Here are some of the latest posts and also many of the most popular ones from my many eclectic interests, enjoy! And hey! – if you cook anything wonderful from these recipe posts, send a sample dish my way – and let me know how you have altered the recipes to your tastes. We love trying new foods at our house!

The Social Poets:

Whats Happening in America This Week – Political Cartoons 24 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Versus Violent Wingnuts and Blowhard Limbaugh

Hey, Tea Party, Give Up Your Socialism Social Security Checks – Roundup of Late Night Comedy 19 Apr 2010

Pollen Storms poem – Libations Friday 9 April 2010

Top 15 Bestsellers of What America is Reading: 15 Apr 2010

The Smallest Earth Day Poem

Release Your Dreams & Spring into Life – poem

Funny Allergy Quotes – Cheeky Quote Day 7 Apr 2010

Funny Tax Quotes – Cheeky Quote Day 14 Apr 2010

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs – 18 Apr 2010

Dennys Global Politics:

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

Icelands 2nd Volcano, Haiti Food Stops, Wayward Nukes Seized, Freaky Unschooling, Earth Day – News Headlines 21 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Versus Violent Wingnuts and Blowhard Limbaugh

Poison Politics Meet Domestic Terrorists, Volcano Axes Economies, Wall Street War, Octupus Thief – News Headlines 20 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Interviews, Slamming Wall Street, Tea Party Spat With Fox, Volcano Effect – News Headlines 19 Apr 2010

Beautiful Quotes:

How Is Your Relationship With Your Inspiration Muse?

What Spiritual Tests Develop Good Character And Our Talents? – with over 12,700 views the first day that sure was a happy surprise. Thank You!

Your Dreams: 5 Common Characteristics

Does Your Life Feel Like a Disaster?

3 Quotes About Facing Tough Times

Uplifting Soul Quote: What is Your Power in the World?

Spiritual Energy: Can Simple Words Add to Our Quality of Life?

Humor Blogs:

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

Ridiculous Outrageous Extra Airline Fees: Political Cartoons

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

College Grads Chances of Finding Jobs: Political Cartoons

Funny Earth Day Cartoons

Take the Test: Whats Your Sex IQ?

Crazy Limbaugh Blames Iceland Volcano on Obama

Outrageous Tea Party Tax Signs and the Perverted Fools That Carry Them

Food Blogs:

Cooking 4 Men, Teaching Men to Cook 2

Gorgeous Whiskey Chocolate Brownies

2 Crowd Pleasing Easy Casseroles: Mexican Lasagna, Turkey Tetrazzini

Awesome Cajun Barbecued Shrimp — New Orleans Style

Yummy Homemade Coconut Cream Pie

Awesome Sauces 4 Louisiana Seafood

New Orleans Recipes: Crawfish Etouffee, Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Jambalaya, Sazerac Cocktail

Kid Friendly Recipes: Chocolate Quesadillas, Very Best Fudge

Spring Into Grill Season: Mouthwatering Steaks

Chef Rocco Dispiritos Cheap Yet Healthy Comfort Food

Forget the Birds: Awesome Recipes 4 Stale Bread

Flourless Passover Chocolate Cake

Kid Chefs Offer Tasty Recipes 4 Sandwiches Adults Will Like

The Soul Calendar – science:

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

Icelands Volcanic Ash: Hurting Us And Our Planet?

What Do All the Recent Global Earthquakes Mean?

Come to Iceland: Experience Living With a Volcano in Your Back Yard

Moon Water: Order Up Your Cocktail Today

New Astronomy Photos: Cosmic Rosebud, Winds of Change Black Hole, Orion Nebula

Visual Insights – photos:

Happy Birthday to Our Humanitarian Friend Peter

Dennys Photo Gallery: How to Know Its Spring

Funny Odd Couples: Cats and Their Weirdo Friends

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

Dennys Photo Gallery: Beautiful Blues in Our World

Photography, Beautiful Metaphor for Life: 17 Boats

Only White Theme: 26 Photos

Photo History: 1st Lady Gowns, Michelle Obama Donates Hers

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs 25 Apr 2010

25 Apr

From Denny: Reading is such a pleasure because we can learn new information or take a mental trip into someone else’s world to see what they discover. These days I seem to be on the writing end rather than the reading end. Maybe that’s what happens after you spend so much time reading: you start writing! 🙂

I love to poke around and see what I find and then share it on my blogs. Here are some of the latest posts and also many of the most popular ones from my many eclectic interests, enjoy! And hey! – if you cook anything wonderful from these recipe posts, send a sample dish my way – and let me know how you have altered the recipes to your tastes. We love trying new foods at our house!

The Social Poets:

Whats Happening in America This Week – Political Cartoons 24 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Versus Violent Wingnuts and Blowhard Limbaugh

Hey, Tea Party, Give Up Your Socialism Social Security Checks – Roundup of Late Night Comedy 19 Apr 2010

Pollen Storms poem – Libations Friday 9 April 2010

Top 15 Bestsellers of What America is Reading: 15 Apr 2010

The Smallest Earth Day Poem

Release Your Dreams & Spring into Life – poem

Funny Allergy Quotes – Cheeky Quote Day 7 Apr 2010

Funny Tax Quotes – Cheeky Quote Day 14 Apr 2010

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs – 18 Apr 2010

Dennys Global Politics:

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

Icelands 2nd Volcano, Haiti Food Stops, Wayward Nukes Seized, Freaky Unschooling, Earth Day – News Headlines 21 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Versus Violent Wingnuts and Blowhard Limbaugh

Poison Politics Meet Domestic Terrorists, Volcano Axes Economies, Wall Street War, Octupus Thief – News Headlines 20 Apr 2010

Prez Clinton Interviews, Slamming Wall Street, Tea Party Spat With Fox, Volcano Effect – News Headlines 19 Apr 2010

Beautiful Quotes:

How Is Your Relationship With Your Inspiration Muse?

What Spiritual Tests Develop Good Character And Our Talents? – with over 12,700 views the first day that sure was a happy surprise. Thank You!

Your Dreams: 5 Common Characteristics

Does Your Life Feel Like a Disaster?

3 Quotes About Facing Tough Times

Uplifting Soul Quote: What is Your Power in the World?

Spiritual Energy: Can Simple Words Add to Our Quality of Life?

Humor Blogs:

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

Ridiculous Outrageous Extra Airline Fees: Political Cartoons

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

College Grads Chances of Finding Jobs: Political Cartoons

Funny Earth Day Cartoons

Take the Test: Whats Your Sex IQ?

Crazy Limbaugh Blames Iceland Volcano on Obama

Outrageous Tea Party Tax Signs and the Perverted Fools That Carry Them

Food Blogs:

Cooking 4 Men, Teaching Men to Cook 2

Gorgeous Whiskey Chocolate Brownies

2 Crowd Pleasing Easy Casseroles: Mexican Lasagna, Turkey Tetrazzini

Awesome Cajun Barbecued Shrimp — New Orleans Style

Yummy Homemade Coconut Cream Pie

Awesome Sauces 4 Louisiana Seafood

New Orleans Recipes: Crawfish Etouffee, Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Jambalaya, Sazerac Cocktail

Kid Friendly Recipes: Chocolate Quesadillas, Very Best Fudge

Spring Into Grill Season: Mouthwatering Steaks

Chef Rocco Dispiritos Cheap Yet Healthy Comfort Food

Forget the Birds: Awesome Recipes 4 Stale Bread

Flourless Passover Chocolate Cake

Kid Chefs Offer Tasty Recipes 4 Sandwiches Adults Will Like

The Soul Calendar – science:

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

Icelands Volcanic Ash: Hurting Us And Our Planet?

What Do All the Recent Global Earthquakes Mean?

Come to Iceland: Experience Living With a Volcano in Your Back Yard

Moon Water: Order Up Your Cocktail Today

New Astronomy Photos: Cosmic Rosebud, Winds of Change Black Hole, Orion Nebula

Visual Insights – photos:

Happy Birthday to Our Humanitarian Friend Peter

Dennys Photo Gallery: How to Know Its Spring

Funny Odd Couples: Cats and Their Weirdo Friends

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

Dennys Photo Gallery: Beautiful Blues in Our World

Photography, Beautiful Metaphor for Life: 17 Boats

Only White Theme: 26 Photos

Photo History: 1st Lady Gowns, Michelle Obama Donates Hers

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

29 Post Roundup at Dennys Blogs 14 Mar 2010

15 Mar

From Denny: Remember me? You know, the woman who was pining away, waiting for Winter to leave and Spring to come? Yeah, well, the past two weeks here in south Louisiana the tree pollen blast has forced me to practically buy stock in the Kleenex brand of nose tissues. 🙂 With all the fun Spring has sprung on my immune system I had to dial it back and was not able to write as many posts. You know that amusing but true proverbial saying of “Politics is so ugly; it’s like making sausage”? Writing this past week has not been much prettier. Lucky you that you don’t have blogger video cam! 🙂

I started keeping up with the news headlines over at Dennys Global Politics, partly to go back and write an opinion piece, partly just to see what’s out there across the media spectrum. There are mainstream stories along with the obscure you might not have noticed. The stories are excerpted yet provided with links so you can read in more detail if you prefer.

There are many awesome recipes to enjoy, along with the food video tutorials. There are a few poems and spiritual thoughts to consider. There is a science post about just how much the Chilean earthquake affected the planet, pretty scary stuff. And, of course, my total favorites: lots of rocking good humor posts with funny videos I find while checking in with my social sites. What would life be without friends?

Cartoonists Cajun Whoop A$$ on Everyone – 40 Funny Political Cartoons – 13 Mar 2010

Dennys Popular Poems Roundup 12 Mar 2010

Photo History: 1st Lady Gowns, Michelle Obama Donates Hers

St. Patricks Day Funnies and History – Cheeky Quote Day 10 Mar 2010

Photography: 16 Beautiful Creative Angel Photos

Funny Late Night Comedy Roundup – 8 March 2010

48 Post Roundup: Dennys Blogs 7 Mar 2010

Chilean Earthquake Shortened Earths Day

Step Out into the Unknown with Ease

Shoes in Church poem

A Poem to Think About When You Dream

30 Funny Creative Animal Ads

5 Super Easy Chocolate Desserts: Only 5 Ingredients

Warm Gooey Cheese Fondue 4 Cold Nights

Martha Stewarts 4 Fast Spring Recipes

Unusual Outrageous New Food: Breast Milk Cheese

Chef Mario Batalis Easy 3 Pork Saltimbocca Recipes

Check Out Statistics 4 Real Cost of Fast Food vs. Whole

Chef Jamie Oliver Discovers American Kids Dont Know Veggies

Some of my choices from the day’s news, excerpted and with links to full stories, some video clips:

News Headlines Roundup 12 Mar 2010

News Headlines Roundup 11 Mar 2010

News Headlines Roundup 10 Mar 2010

News Headlines Roundup 9 Mar 2010

News Headlines Roundup 8 Mar 2010

7 Funny Quips 10 Mar 2010

13 Funny Quips 9 Mar 2010

Funny Music Video: Hilarious Organized Mayhem

Funny Video: Look, Ma! Eating with No Paws But Real Hands!

Outrageous Funny Video: Procrastination

*** THANKS for visiting, come back often, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

48 Post Roundup: Dennys Blogs 7 Mar 2010

8 Mar

From Denny: Here are the best links from the blogs this past week to help get you caught up, enjoy. OK, get ready… start grinning! 🙂 By the way, have revamped the look of most of the blogs. Spring is in the air and change is good.

From The Social Poets:

Strike Outs: Bunning, Health Care, Chile, Toyota: 44 Funny Political Cartoons, 6 Feb 2010

Honoring Ourselves poem – Libations Friday 5 Mar 2010

Students Now Stand 4 Famous Math Teacher in Stand and Deliver Movie

Funny Psychic Groundhog Phil Blessed Us With More Winter – Cheeky Quote Day 3 Mar 2010

Republican Senator Flips Off Middle Finger to Families: Takes Food Off Kids Plates

Dick Cheney Fakes Heart Attacks, Glenn Beck Lies on Stage, CPAC Hate Mongering, Colorado Gunslingers – Funny Roundup of Late Night Comedy 1 March 2010

From Dennys Global Politics:

Hissy Fit Over Controversial Armenian Genocide Vote

Speaker Pelosi Grades the Republicans on Lack of Governing

Update: Republican Senator Flips Off Middle Finger to Families: Takes Food Off Kids Plates

From The Soul Calendar:

Chilean Earthquake Shortened Earths Day

8.8 Chilean Earthquake 500 Times More Powerful than Haiti

From the food blogs:

From Comfort Food From Louisiana:

Enjoy Louisiana Culture: Love Those Eggplant Recipes

Chef Jamie Oliver Discovers American Kids Dont Know Veggies

Cold Weather: Real Deal Hearty Beef Stroganoff, Beef Ribs, Pineapple Cake

From Romancing The Chocolate:

7 Easy Recipes for Relaxed Weekend Food

Tasty Creative Oyster Stew Recipes

Warm Soups 4 Cold Rainy or Snowy Days

Stop That Cold in Its Tracks: Illness Fighting Foods

Does it Get Any Better? Funny Curtis Stones Healthy Pasta, Chocolate Recipes

From Unusual 2 Tasty:

Ming Tsai’s Chinese New Year Feast: Year of the Tiger

Olympics Seafood Dish: Pan Roasted Black Cod, Sunchokes, Lentils and Mushrooms

Vancouver Olympics Indian Veggies Recipe, Coconut and Curry

Try Vancouver Olympics Food at Home

From Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:

Uplifting Soul Quote: What is Your Power in the World?

Spiritual Energy: Can Simple Words Add to Our Quality of Life?

Where is the Best Place to Rivet Our Focus?

What Are Your Impediments to Success?

Do You Know Your Failures as Your Best Successes?

Do You Treat Your Ideas Like Beautiful Magic?

How is Your Dream Vision Impacted by Life Challenges

What One Attitude is the Pivotal Point of Achieving Success?

Evidence of the Afterlife: New Book Offers Proof

7 Greatest Peace Quotes Ever

What Was Your Epiphany Moment?

From The Healing Waters:

7 Quick Tips to Happiness: Banish Late Winter Blues

90 Second Health Boost Tips

8 Funny Advice Quotes About Sleeping

Are You Sleep Deprived? Smart Tips 4 Sound Sleep

Unlocking Foods Healing Powers

6 Good Friends You Need to Live a Long Life

Cinderella Makeup Artist Lauren Luke Goes Viral

Springs New Ruffle Loose and Sophisticated: 4 Ways to Wear It

From the humor and photo blogs:

Outrageous Funny Video: Procrastination

30 Funny Creative Animal Ads

Funny Talented Dancing Traffic Cop

16 Funny Blissful Sleepers Photos

10 Make You Think Fantasy Photos

Check Out Funny Fat Tuesday Afterglow Photos and Quotes

And a couple more that published while I was putting together this post that took two hours. Read that as I forgot… 🙂

Check Out Statistics 4 Real Cost of Fast Food vs. Whole

Funny Tutorial Video: The Busy Desk of the Animator

Photo by d u y q u @ flickr

*** THANKS for visiting the blogs this year and for your support, come back often, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinon, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

22 Interesting Varied Blog Posts, 23 Oct 2009

25 Oct

Photo from Stripes Photography group on StumbleUpon – wonderful photo – if anyone knows the photographer, please pass it along so they can receive attribution…

From Denny: In case you missed a goodie, here are some of the best from all the blogs this past week, enjoy! Thanks for all your support, everyone, and have a great weekend too! XXOO, Denny

Video: Americas Republicans Losing Support Even in Bad Economy

Video: Restaurant Foods Compost Great Wines

Busy Day at The Social Poets, Posts on Dan Browns Book The Lost Symbol and Obama

Video: 2,700 Year Old Mystery Mummy Surfaces at Miami Museum

Video: Meet the Human Calculator

Video: Noetic Science Examines Consciousness

Video: Pregnant Mother Dies of Swine Flu Misdiagnosis

Cool Video: Prez Obama Honored for Nobel in Sand Sculpture

10 Funny Quotes, Late Night Show Funnies, Spiritual Thought of the Day, Why Obama Deserves Nobel Peace Prize

4 Funny Posts and 4 Yummy Recipes

Chocolate, Pecan and Coconut Cookies

Recipe: Velvet Chocolate Cheesecake

Recipe: Fun Halloween Oreo Spider Cookies

2 Easy Basic Brownie Recipes

2 Easy Cake Recipes: Louisiana Praline Toffee Bundt Cake, Southern Livings Popular Praline Cake

Recipes: Make Your Own Cajun Blackened Seasoning for Fish or Chicken!

3 Recipes: 3-Step Slow Cooker Baby Back Ribs, Sweet Tangy Slaw, Sweet Potato Roasted Garlic Turnovers

Do You Remember Your Dreams and Know Why It Is Important?

Haiku Style Imagination Quote and Photo

How Do You Know Your Creativity is Art?

How is the Dream Helpful on Our Life Journey?

Why is Joy Important to Cultivate in Your Life?

22 Interesting Varied Blog Posts, 23 Oct 2009

24 Oct

Photo from Stripes Photography group on StumbleUpon – wonderful photo – if anyone knows the photographer, please pass it along so they can receive attribution…

From Denny: In case you missed a goodie, here are some of the best from all the blogs this past week, enjoy! Thanks for all your support, everyone, and have a great weekend too! XXOO, Denny

Video: Americas Republicans Losing Support Even in Bad Economy

Video: Restaurant Foods Compost Great Wines

Busy Day at The Social Poets, Posts on Dan Browns Book The Lost Symbol and Obama

Video: 2,700 Year Old Mystery Mummy Surfaces at Miami Museum

Video: Meet the Human Calculator

Video: Noetic Science Examines Consciousness

Video: Pregnant Mother Dies of Swine Flu Misdiagnosis

Cool Video: Prez Obama Honored for Nobel in Sand Sculpture

10 Funny Quotes, Late Night Show Funnies, Spiritual Thought of the Day, Why Obama Deserves Nobel Peace Prize

4 Funny Posts and 4 Yummy Recipes

Chocolate, Pecan and Coconut Cookies

Recipe: Velvet Chocolate Cheesecake

Recipe: Fun Halloween Oreo Spider Cookies

2 Easy Basic Brownie Recipes

2 Easy Cake Recipes: Louisiana Praline Toffee Bundt Cake, Southern Livings Popular Praline Cake

Recipes: Make Your Own Cajun Blackened Seasoning for Fish or Chicken!

3 Recipes: 3-Step Slow Cooker Baby Back Ribs, Sweet Tangy Slaw, Sweet Potato Roasted Garlic Turnovers

Do You Remember Your Dreams and Know Why It Is Important?

Haiku Style Imagination Quote and Photo

How Do You Know Your Creativity is Art?

How is the Dream Helpful on Our Life Journey?

Why is Joy Important to Cultivate in Your Life?

22 Interesting Varied Blog Posts, 23 Oct 2009

24 Oct

Photo from Stripes Photography group on StumbleUpon – wonderful photo – if anyone knows the photographer, please pass it along so they can receive attribution…

From Denny: In case you missed a goodie, here are some of the best from all the blogs this past week, enjoy! Thanks for all your support, everyone, and have a great weekend too! XXOO, Denny

Video: Americas Republicans Losing Support Even in Bad Economy

Video: Restaurant Foods Compost Great Wines

Busy Day at The Social Poets, Posts on Dan Browns Book The Lost Symbol and Obama

Video: 2,700 Year Old Mystery Mummy Surfaces at Miami Museum

Video: Meet the Human Calculator

Video: Noetic Science Examines Consciousness

Video: Pregnant Mother Dies of Swine Flu Misdiagnosis

Cool Video: Prez Obama Honored for Nobel in Sand Sculpture

10 Funny Quotes, Late Night Show Funnies, Spiritual Thought of the Day, Why Obama Deserves Nobel Peace Prize

4 Funny Posts and 4 Yummy Recipes

Chocolate, Pecan and Coconut Cookies

Recipe: Velvet Chocolate Cheesecake

Recipe: Fun Halloween Oreo Spider Cookies

2 Easy Basic Brownie Recipes

2 Easy Cake Recipes: Louisiana Praline Toffee Bundt Cake, Southern Livings Popular Praline Cake

Recipes: Make Your Own Cajun Blackened Seasoning for Fish or Chicken!

3 Recipes: 3-Step Slow Cooker Baby Back Ribs, Sweet Tangy Slaw, Sweet Potato Roasted Garlic Turnovers

Do You Remember Your Dreams and Know Why It Is Important?

Haiku Style Imagination Quote and Photo

How Do You Know Your Creativity is Art?

How is the Dream Helpful on Our Life Journey?

Why is Joy Important to Cultivate in Your Life?