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Passionate Volcano Chasers: Photographing Eruptions Around the World

28 May

*** Check out the risks these amateurs take as they take vacations just to photograph erupting volcanoes all over the world.

From Denny: Do you ever wonder how those awe-inspiring photos get to us from the media? There are those crazy and downright obsessed volcano photographers out there in the science world. When word gets out that a volcano is erupting in the world, these guys jump on the first plane out to run to the volcano. Most people have more sense and run away from said erupting dangerous volcano. 🙂

Check out the personal story of one German photographer, Martin Rietze. To give you an idea of the ground conditions of what it’s like for a photographer, Rietze’s experience tells it all. He didn’t sleep for three nights straight. (Smart move in my book.) Turns out the volcano was throwing out huge chunks of rock the size of cars like some screaming diva in a world class hissy fit. That would prompt anyone to stay awake and on alert.

He hugged a nearby boulder as a shield against the lava-spewing volcano. Yeah, that’s right. Why? Because that protective boulder was only 1,600 feet from the mouth of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano. Crazy or brave, you decide.

Rietze is an engineer by day who builds delicate electronics for planetariums. He is also a volcanophile, one of a small group worldwide who like to spend their vacations traveling to erupting volcanoes. Molten magma, choking ash clouds, poisonous gases, smoking-hot boulders raining down upon them are all part of the thrill for this mostly male band of thrill seekers. The estimate is they number at about 200 and hail from Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Belgium, the USA, France and Switzerland. The majority of them are professional engineers: computer, electrical, chemical and mechanical.

This crazy pursuit is one of those adventures they know they can’t make a living doing so it is a labor of love. Once this adventure was a solitary pursuit but with the advent of the web this small band of volcanophiles are able to share their adventures and tips.

Just when you think this pursuit is such a great idea, the professionals urge caution like from those who shoot for National Geographic: “”They put fire in people’s eyes and their brain is left behind,” say Donna and Steve O’Meara, a husband-and-wife team. They caution that because volcanoes are so incredibly alluring that inexperienced people tend to take far too many chances that are risky and not wise.

They remind us experienced volcanologists, Katia and Maurice Krafft from France and Harry Glicken from the USA, perished in an eruption on Mount Unzen in Japan on June 3, 1991. With them were 41 journalists who also risked their lives and died with the scientists.

Some in the academic community disdain the amateurs because of their risk taking. There are other academics who welcome them as a good resource. Richard Wunderman, editor of the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. says he counts on amateurs for reports and photos of eruptions that would otherwise go unrecorded. “They’re an amazing resource.”

One reason it is so dangerous to photograph a volcano is because of the amount of time required to get a clear shot. Clouds, fog and steam often obscure the view and what makes for a stunning photo. The more time you spend in the dangerous chaotic environment the greater the risk.

For safety gear in this vicious environment, Patrick Koster, a chemical engineer of Spijkenisse, the Netherlands, dons a climbing helmet, gloves, goggles and a gas mask to filter ash as well as neutralize chemicals in the gases emitted by the volcanoes. Koster says this gear is “very important because fresh lava can be razor-sharp. If you put your hand down on something, you can get cut badly.”

Cinematographer Sean Stiegemeier, of Los Angeles, remarked about how much easier it was to photograph the Iceland volcano Eyjafjallajökull since it was so accessible compared to most volcanoes that erupt in remote places in the world. “The one good day of weather we were there, there were probably 10 cars out next to the volcano, most of them photographers with gigantic lenses,” he reported. “It was so loud, every now and again it felt like it was rumbling its stomach at us and then it would spit out lava.”

Yeah, these crazy amateurs are definitely dedicated. 🙂 Good hunting, guys. I’ll definitely keep you in my prayers.

*** Photo by Helen Maria Bjornsd/Nordic Photos/Getty Images

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs 2 May 2010

3 May

Photo by Victor Bezrukov @ flickr

From Denny: When I started these blogs they were to help get back my brain functioning after a car accident that took three years to fully heal. It seems the more I pushed a healing brain the more it responded favorably! Who knew? Life sure takes some twists and turns, doesn’t it?

What I was most concerned about was what if my brain might shut down again and the knowledge and understanding gained from a lot of life testing would be lost without a voice. So, I started yet another blog, Beautiful Illustrated Quotations, to record some of my spiritual thoughts. I’ve always enjoyed quotes as a writing prompt, especially spiritual ones. And then, all of a sudden, this year that blog took off with thousands of views per post. Again, who knew? What started as the weakest blog, that I just figured was a very small niche market, ended up getting well read compared to all the others – other than the crazy photo blog that took off as well on the same level. I guess people like to go on visual coffee breaks with me when I go tripping through the Flickr database for interesting photos for a post. 🙂

So, thank you, everyone, all of you have been just great to support these blogs. I never know what I will write about, report on or share each day in every post yet there is always something interesting to discover in this world – and I do like to share. Sharing is a way to give back in this world, pay it forward, say thank you, make them laugh or help ease someone else’s burden when they are stressed. In this posts roundup I included many of your favorite popular posts in the past couple of weeks from several of the blogs.

The Social Poets:

Whats Happening in America This Week: Wall Street Political Cartoons 1 May 2010

Big Business to Employees: Get Fired If Get Operation to Prevent Breast Cancer

Funny Mothers Day Quotes and Trivia – Cheeky Quote Day 28 Apr 2010

April is Poetry Month: What Being a Poet Means to William Wordsworth

Colbert Lampoons Immigration and Pot Smokers – Roundup of Late Nite Comedy 26 Apr 2010

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs 25 Apr 2010

Whats Happening in America This Week – Political Cartoons 24 Apr 2010

Posts Roundup This Week at Dennys Blogs – 18 Apr 2010

Pollen Storms poem

The Smallest Earth Day Poem

Top 15 Bestsellers of What America is Reading

Funny Tax Quotes – Cheeky Quote Day 14 Apr 2010

Funny Tax Man Cartoons

Roundup of Late Night Comedy 13 Apr 2010

Funny Allergy Quotes – Cheeky Quote Day 7 Apr 2010

How to Survive Allergy and Pollen Season

This photographer often captures the humor in real life. Make up your mind already – is it Yes or No? by P/UL @ flickr

Dennys Global Politics:

Roundup of Political Cartoons This Weeks Funny Opinion 1 May 2010

BP Oil Spill Gulf Coast Disaster, Employers New Tactics to Fire Employees, Travel Smarter, New PTSD Treatment – News Headlines 30 Apr 2010

America Boycotts Arizona, BP Oil Spill Impacts Wildlife, Enraged Wall Street Protestors, Strange News Stories – News Headlines 29 Apr 2010

Those Funny Mothers Day Quotes and Trivia

Voters Moon American Politics Polls Say, Bush Years Bad Air Report Released, Throwing Eggs at Ukrainian Politicians – News Headlines 28 Apr 2010

Goldman Sh–ty Deal Testifies Loud and Clear, Drug Company Pays $500 Billion Fine, How to Detect Liars – News Headlines 27 Apr 2010

Roundup of Late Nite Funnies: Colbert Lampoons Arizona Immigration Law

Scumbag Walmart Lawsuit Caught, Scumbag Goldman Sachs Email Guilty, Scumbag GOP Denies Scumbag Reform – News Headlines 26 Apr 2010

Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post

Cool Earth Day Links, Message From Our Prez

Prez Clinton Versus Violent Wingnuts and Blowhard Limbaugh

Prez Clinton Interviews, Slamming Wall Street, Tea Party Spat With Fox, Volcano Effect – News Headlines 19 Apr 2010

Spring roll for Bill the cat by Miss Claeson @ flickr

The Healing Waters and The Soul Calendar:

Want Your Man to Better Understand You? Try Empathy Nasal Spray

Roundup of Political Cartoons This Weeks Funny Opinion 1 May 2010

Good News: Rolling School Bus Library on Ride Home From School

Gulf Coast Oil Rig Disaster Slammed: Political Cartoons 1 May 2010

Beautiful Quotes:

4 Special Quotes to Anchor Your Dreams

How Is Your Relationship With Your Inspiration Muse?

What Spiritual Tests Develop Good Character And Our Talents? – with over 12,700 views the first day that sure was a happy surprise. Thank You!

Your Dreams: 5 Common Characteristics

Does Your Life Feel Like a Disaster?

3 Quotes About Facing Tough Times

Uplifting Soul Quote: What is Your Power in the World?

Spiritual Energy: Can Simple Words Add to Our Quality of Life?

Humor Blogs:

American Culture of Oprah, The Mob, Sex Talks, Morality, Free Speech and Diet: Political Cartoons 1 May 2010

Very Funny Mothers Day Quotes

Obnoxious Silly Mother in Law Jokes Just in Time 4 Mothers Day

College Grads Chances of Finding Jobs: Political Cartoons

Crazy Arizona Style Immigration: Political Cartoons – 1 May 2010

Cartoonists Latest Funnies 4 Mothers Day

Hilarious Egg Pelting Politics Ukrainian Style

Here’s a version of the pie I found over at flickr and it was so beautiful and creative I just had to share it with you! Chocolate pecan derby pie with caramel bourbon sauce, berry-ginger coulis by Greencolander @ flickr

Food Blogs:

Chocolate Wonders: Kentucky Derby Pie, Make-ahead Chocolate Soufflé

Easy Moist Chocolate Mayo Cake From Bon Appetit

Gorgeous Whiskey Chocolate Brownies

Moistest Low Cal Chocolate Cake, Pesto Veggie Lasagna, Quick Salad

Easy Rich Yellow Loaf Cake with Chocolate Ganache

Flourless Passover Chocolate Cake

Tradtional Sandwiches Updated: California Tuna Melt, Egg Salad

Video: Louisiana Chef Makes Crawfish Etouffee

5 Easy Recipes 4 Chicken and Sausage Gumbo

2 Crowd Pleasing Easy Casseroles: Mexican Lasagna, Turkey Tetrazzini

Awesome Cajun Barbecued Shrimp — New Orleans Style

Yummy Homemade Coconut Cream Pie

Awesome Sauces 4 Louisiana Seafood

Spring Into Grill Season: Mouthwatering Steaks

Chef Rocco Dispiritos Cheap Yet Healthy Comfort Food

Kid Friendly Recipes: Chocolate Quesadillas, Very Best Fudge

Visual Insights – photos:

Dennys Photo Gallery: Life is Just Plain Funny

Happy Birthday to Our Humanitarian Friend Peter

Dennys Photo Gallery: How to Know Its Spring

Funny Odd Couples: Cats and Their Weirdo Friends

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

Dennys Photo Gallery: Beautiful Blues in Our World

Photography, Beautiful Metaphor for Life: 17 Boats

Only White Theme: 26 Photos

Photo History: 1st Lady Gowns, Michelle Obama Donates Hers

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Funny Odd Couples: Cats and Their Weirdo Friends

16 Apr

From Denny: Cats must have been the original artists created in the world. They cross species boundaries easily for some unusual friendships. Check out the latest “homies” of choice odd couples for a grin! Included are some “conversations” if cats could talk…

Hey, cabbie! Can you give me a ride over to 32nd Street? It’s on your way.

There’s a reason why I’m named the pig. Just who do you think you are? Get outta my way, cat! Notice how the cat slips on by him anyway to win the race. 🙂

We are only snuggling. Nothing to worry about here. He’s not my type. I only like bad boys.

This crazy crow keeps stalking me. I thought cats were supposed to be the famous stalkers in the animal kingdom. Oh, well, when you have fans you might as well enjoy your fame!

Who are you? I’m the patient dog, silly cat. It’s my job to teach you house manners.

So, what’s for dinner, Mr. Bear? Guess who came to dinner… Did I invite you, silly cat? Are you crazy to mess with me or what??? You are so lucky I am still waking up from my winter’s nap.

Hi, Honey kitty. Hi, baby, how’s it going today? Oh, by the way, I’m not the local salt lick for the neighborhood. I’m just saying…

Do you think our fur coats are too matchy-matchy or anything? I hope we don’t get reported to “What Not to Wear” TV show! You keep watch while I sleep and let me know if the camera crews show up unexpectedly.

Hmmmm… what’s for dinner or should I settle for conversation?

Sweetie, you need a shave! Your horse whiskers are tickling me!

I just got downsized from Geico for faking a British accent and doing it badly. Can you spare a gecko a bit of your meal? I promise I won’t eat too much.

Kiss me, you silly rabbit! Tell me about your day.

Do you mind if I come inside for a while? Looks like you have a good gig going on there. Listen, squirrel, I am so not letting you anywhere near my food bowl – not now, not ever. Now dance on the window and entertain me.

And the cat exorcist calmly sat there, knowing the snake was trying to slide past him without getting noticed.

And the monkey took his pet kitten down to the local park to show off to all his friends. And the cat said: I’ll get you in our next reincarnation. I knew I should have divorced you in the last life time.

Text by Denny Lyon
Copyright 12 April 2010
All Rights Reserved

*** Photos are not mine – free use to make up your own silly captions for them! 🙂

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Funny Odd Couples: Cats and Their Weirdo Friends

16 Apr

From Denny: Cats must have been the original artists created in the world. They cross species boundaries easily for some unusual friendships. Check out the latest “homies” of choice odd couples for a grin! Included are some “conversations” if cats could talk…

Hey, cabbie! Can you give me a ride over to 32nd Street? It’s on your way.

There’s a reason why I’m named the pig. Just who do you think you are? Get outta my way, cat! Notice how the cat slips on by him anyway to win the race. 🙂

We are only snuggling. Nothing to worry about here. He’s not my type. I only like bad boys.

This crazy crow keeps stalking me. I thought cats were supposed to be the famous stalkers in the animal kingdom. Oh, well, when you have fans you might as well enjoy your fame!

Who are you? I’m the patient dog, silly cat. It’s my job to teach you house manners.

So, what’s for dinner, Mr. Bear? Guess who came to dinner… Did I invite you, silly cat? Are you crazy to mess with me or what??? You are so lucky I am still waking up from my winter’s nap.

Hi, Honey kitty. Hi, baby, how’s it going today? Oh, by the way, I’m not the local salt lick for the neighborhood. I’m just saying…

Do you think our fur coats are too matchy-matchy or anything? I hope we don’t get reported to “What Not to Wear” TV show! You keep watch while I sleep and let me know if the camera crews show up unexpectedly.

Hmmmm… what’s for dinner or should I settle for conversation?

Sweetie, you need a shave! Your horse whiskers are tickling me!

I just got downsized from Geico for faking a British accent and doing it badly. Can you spare a gecko a bit of your meal? I promise I won’t eat too much.

Kiss me, you silly rabbit! Tell me about your day.

Do you mind if I come inside for a while? Looks like you have a good gig going on there. Listen, squirrel, I am so not letting you anywhere near my food bowl – not now, not ever. Now dance on the window and entertain me.

And the cat exorcist calmly sat there, knowing the snake was trying to slide past him without getting noticed.

And the monkey took his pet kitten down to the local park to show off to all his friends. And the cat said: I’ll get you in our next reincarnation. I knew I should have divorced you in the last life time.

Text by Denny Lyon
Copyright 12 April 2010
All Rights Reserved

*** Photos are not mine – free use to make up your own silly captions for them! 🙂

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

6 Apr

From Denny: Spring is here in all its glory and this Sunday was also the celebration of Easter. We celebrate the spiritual victory over death, a recognition of the death and rebirth cycle of Nature. Many people visit sunrise services. These photos are from all over this beautiful world, from Canada to the Maldives, from the winter sunrise to the summer. A new beginning and a new day is always so beautiful and refreshingly welcome. Enjoy the view!

Maldives Palm tree sunrise by Badruddeen @ flickr

Blue moon sunrise by Lost In The RP @ flickr

Milwaukee sunrise by Indy Kethdy @ flickr

Lighthouse sunrise by Indy Kethdy @ flickr

Farm sunrise by Muffet @ flickr

Sunrise paddling on North Canadian River by FreeWine @ flickr

Winter beach sunrise by James Jordan @ flickr

Water picnic sunrise by Indy Kethdy @ flickr

Red sunrise over water by joiseyshowaa @ flickr

New Year’s Sunrise by nattu @ flickr

Sunrise at Dripping Springs by FreeWine @ flickr

Sunrise at the pier by Irargerich @ flickr

Maldives sunrise and boat by Badruddeen @ flickr

Omega Sunrise by Irargerich @ flickr

*** ALSO: 8 Easter Quotes and 3 Easter Poems

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

6 Apr

From Denny: Spring is here in all its glory and this Sunday was also the celebration of Easter. We celebrate the spiritual victory over death, a recognition of the death and rebirth cycle of Nature. Many people visit sunrise services. These photos are from all over this beautiful world, from Canada to the Maldives, from the winter sunrise to the summer. A new beginning and a new day is always so beautiful and refreshingly welcome. Enjoy the view!

Maldives Palm tree sunrise by Badruddeen @ flickr

Blue moon sunrise by Lost In The RP @ flickr

Milwaukee sunrise by Indy Kethdy @ flickr

Lighthouse sunrise by Indy Kethdy @ flickr

Farm sunrise by Muffet @ flickr

Sunrise paddling on North Canadian River by FreeWine @ flickr

Winter beach sunrise by James Jordan @ flickr

Water picnic sunrise by Indy Kethdy @ flickr

Red sunrise over water by joiseyshowaa @ flickr

New Year’s Sunrise by nattu @ flickr

Sunrise at Dripping Springs by FreeWine @ flickr

Sunrise at the pier by Irargerich @ flickr

Maldives sunrise and boat by Badruddeen @ flickr

Omega Sunrise by Irargerich @ flickr

*** ALSO: 8 Easter Quotes and 3 Easter Poems

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises

5 Apr

From Denny: Spring is here in all its glory and this Sunday was also the celebration of Easter. We celebrate the spiritual victory over death, a recognition of the death and rebirth cycle of Nature. Many people visit sunrise services. These photos are from all over this beautiful world, from Canada to the Maldives, from the winter sunrise to the summer. A new beginning and a new day is always so beautiful and refreshingly welcome. Enjoy the view!

Maldives Palm tree sunrise by Badruddeen @ flickr

Blue moon sunrise by Lost In The RP @ flickr

Milwaukee sunrise by Indy Kethdy @ flickr

Lighthouse sunrise by Indy Kethdy @ flickr

Farm sunrise by Muffet @ flickr

Sunrise paddling on North Canadian River by FreeWine @ flickr

Winter beach sunrise by James Jordan @ flickr

Water picnic sunrise by Indy Kethdy @ flickr

Red sunrise over water by joiseyshowaa @ flickr

New Year’s Sunrise by nattu @ flickr

Sunrise at Dripping Springs by FreeWine @ flickr

Sunrise at the pier by Irargerich @ flickr

Maldives sunrise and boat by Badruddeen @ flickr

Omega Sunrise by Irargerich @ flickr

*** ALSO: 8 Easter Quotes and 3 Easter Poems

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

16 Beautiful Creative Angel Photos

14 Mar

Angel foot Photo by Denny Lyon @ flickr

From Denny: One of my favorite digital playgrounds is the Flickr database. Since Flickr instituted the Galleries feature where you can go and pull any photo and place up to 18 photos in that gallery, I’ve been having a lot of fun! There are over 5,000 favorites bookmarked over the years in my Flickr collection and this is a great way to focus it.

As I was pulling this post together I was struck by how many poems I’ve written in regard to angels: dreams, visions, observations in life, personal experiences you name it – so I included links to those writes.

You are welcome to use my personal angel photos here. Please include a link back to the flickr page with “Denny Lyon” as attribution instead of “image source” – thanks! You can also use these other photos here with the same kind of link and attribution. Creative Commons is a pretty sweet deal when you are an online writer and need some photos for your posts or online article! Thank you to all the other flickr photographers who have been generous enough to place some of their photos in the Creative Commons area.

One Angel Wing Photo by Denny Lyon

To read about how angels impact our lives – and how we impact them:

Angel Diaries: Samuel

Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World

Angels Bridge

When The Angels Cry For Us

Flinging Dirt

The Long Road

Take a look at the other photo goodies I found on this subject of angels:

Detail of Angel Wings Photo by MR TGT @ flickr

Flying Angel Wings Photo by gingibar @ flickr

Unspoken Angel Prayer by GettysGirl @ flickr

From the photographer:

I believe angels carry our unspoken prayers heavenward. . .

Baby angel wings Photo by Pink Sherbet Photography as D. Sharon Pruitt @ flickr

Weary Angel Photo by GettysGirl @ flickr

From the photographer:

With all that is going on in the world . . . war, economic woes, pandemic threats, homelessness, poverty, abuse against animals and mankind . . . I can imagine that the angels watching over us are growing weary.

Angel Photo by JVT.eci.apps @ flickr

an angel is nobody in particular…

Thorns and stings
And those such things
Just make stronger
Our angel wings

Angel wings seen across the sky Photo by tanakawho @ flickr

5 Doves Angel Wings Photo by tanakawho @ flickr

Angel wings sculpture Photo by ctoverdrive @ flickr

Angel Wings closeup Photo by Katherine_Davis @ flickr

Angel Wings’ Reflection Photo by Delphine @ flickr

Angel wings fluttering Photo by Space Cowboy @ flickr

Angel standing guard Photo by Andrew Michaels @ flickr

Angels leaving Photo by polandeze @ flickr

To read about how angels impact our lives – and how we impact them:

Angel Diaries: Samuel

Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World

Angels Bridge

When The Angels Cry For Us

Flinging Dirt

The Long Road

*** For more photos posts, please visit Visual Insights!

*** All these photos are from Flickr Creative Commons. Please click on the link for more information for using on your site or blog – and sometimes, photographers include wonderful poems and quotes with their photos.

*** THANKS for visiting, come back often, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Art: 16 Beautiful Creative Angel Photos

12 Mar

Angel foot Photo by Denny Lyon @ flickr

From Denny: One of my favorite digital playgrounds is the Flickr database. Since Flickr instituted the Galleries feature where you can go and pull any photo and place up to 18 photos in that gallery, I’ve been having a lot of fun! There are over 5,000 favorites bookmarked over the years in my Flickr collection and this is a great way to focus it.

As I was pulling this post together I was struck by how many poems I’ve written in regard to angels: dreams, visions, observations in life, personal experiences you name it – so I included links to those writes.

You are welcome to use my personal angel photos here. Please include a link back to the flickr page with “Denny Lyon” as attribution instead of “image source” – thanks! You can also use these other photos here with the same kind of link and attribution. Creative Commons is a pretty sweet deal when you are an online writer and need some photos for your posts or online article! Thank you to all the other flickr photographers who have been generous enough to place some of their photos in the Creative Commons area.

One Angel Wing Photo by Denny Lyon

To read about how angels impact our lives – and how we impact them:

Angel Diaries: Samuel

Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World

Angels Bridge

When The Angels Cry For Us

Flinging Dirt

The Long Road

Take a look at the other photo goodies I found on this subject of angels:

Detail of Angel Wings Photo by MR TGT @ flickr

Flying Angel Wings Photo by gingibar @ flickr

Unspoken Angel Prayer by GettysGirl @ flickr

From the photographer:

I believe angels carry our unspoken prayers heavenward. . .

Baby angel wings Photo by Pink Sherbet Photography as D. Sharon Pruitt @ flickr

Weary Angel Photo by GettysGirl @ flickr

From the photographer:

With all that is going on in the world . . . war, economic woes, pandemic threats, homelessness, poverty, abuse against animals and mankind . . . I can imagine that the angels watching over us are growing weary.

Angel Photo by JVT.eci.apps @ flickr

an angel is nobody in particular…

Thorns and stings
And those such things
Just make stronger
Our angel wings

Angel wings seen across the sky Photo by tanakawho @ flickr

5 Doves Angel Wings Photo by tanakawho @ flickr

Angel wings sculpture Photo by ctoverdrive @ flickr

Angel Wings closeup Photo by Katherine_Davis @ flickr

Angel Wings’ Reflection Photo by Delphine @ flickr

Angel wings fluttering Photo by Space Cowboy @ flickr

Angel standing guard Photo by Andrew Michaels @ flickr

Angels leaving Photo by polandeze @ flickr

To read about how angels impact our lives – and how we impact them:

Angel Diaries: Samuel

Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World

Angels Bridge

When The Angels Cry For Us

Flinging Dirt

The Long Road

*** For more photos posts, please visit Visual Insights!

*** All these photos are from Flickr Creative Commons. Please click on the link for more information for using on your site or blog – and sometimes, photographers include wonderful poems and quotes with their photos.

*** THANKS for visiting, come back often, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

16 Beautiful Creative Angel Photos

11 Mar

Angel foot Photo by Denny Lyon @ flickr

From Denny: One of my favorite digital playgrounds is the Flickr database. Since Flickr instituted the Galleries feature where you can go and pull any photo and place up to 18 photos in that gallery, I’ve been having a lot of fun! There are over 5,000 favorites bookmarked over the years in my Flickr collection and this is a great way to focus it.

As I was pulling this post together I was struck by how many poems I’ve written in regard to angels: dreams, visions, observations in life, personal experiences you name it – so I included links to those writes.

You are welcome to use my personal angel photos here. Please include a link back to the flickr page with “Denny Lyon” as attribution instead of “image source” – thanks! You can also use these other photos here with the same kind of link and attribution. Creative Commons is a pretty sweet deal when you are an online writer and need some photos for your posts or online article! Thank you to all the other flickr photographers who have been generous enough to place some of their photos in the Creative Commons area.

One Angel Wing Photo by Denny Lyon

To read about how angels impact our lives – and how we impact them:

Angel Diaries: Samuel

Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World

Angels Bridge

When The Angels Cry For Us

Flinging Dirt

The Long Road

Take a look at the other photo goodies I found on this subject of angels:

Detail of Angel Wings Photo by MR TGT @ flickr

Flying Angel Wings Photo by gingibar @ flickr

Unspoken Angel Prayer by GettysGirl @ flickr

From the photographer:

I believe angels carry our unspoken prayers heavenward. . .

Baby angel wings Photo by Pink Sherbet Photography as D. Sharon Pruitt @ flickr

Weary Angel Photo by GettysGirl @ flickr

From the photographer:

With all that is going on in the world . . . war, economic woes, pandemic threats, homelessness, poverty, abuse against animals and mankind . . . I can imagine that the angels watching over us are growing weary.

Angel Photo by JVT.eci.apps @ flickr

an angel is nobody in particular…

Thorns and stings
And those such things
Just make stronger
Our angel wings

Angel wings seen across the sky Photo by tanakawho @ flickr

5 Doves Angel Wings Photo by tanakawho @ flickr

Angel wings sculpture Photo by ctoverdrive @ flickr

Angel Wings closeup Photo by Katherine_Davis @ flickr

Angel Wings’ Reflection Photo by Delphine @ flickr

Angel wings fluttering Photo by Space Cowboy @ flickr

Angel standing guard Photo by Andrew Michaels @ flickr

Angels leaving Photo by polandeze @ flickr

To read about how angels impact our lives – and how we impact them:

Angel Diaries: Samuel

Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World

Angels Bridge

When The Angels Cry For Us

Flinging Dirt

The Long Road

*** For more photos posts, please visit Visual Insights!

*** All these photos are from Flickr Creative Commons. Please click on the link for more information for using on your site or blog – and sometimes, photographers include wonderful poems and quotes with their photos.

*** THANKS for visiting, come back often, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!