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Gulf Coast Oil Rig Disaster Slammed: Political Cartoons 1 May 2010

1 May

From Denny: OK, I live on the Gulf Coast of Mexico in Louisiana. May I be the first to say, “Thank you, British Petroleum, upon behalf of the American taxpayers and the struggling seafood industry in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and Florida, oh, thank you for lying to us about the impact of your arrogant Titanic style oil rig that “was too big to fail.” You have done us such a service.

You have made the American taxpayers realize we cannot trust foreign governments to do their part and clean up their own environmental messes. Not only did you lie to us, you lied to the world. Not only are you “flocking” cheap, you delayed jumping on a solution for this disaster in a timely manner, therefore, with a depraved indifference, you allowed the disaster to multiply when it could have been contained and minimized.

Might I also add, oh, thank you, for refusing to create a clean up plan and not submitting it to our Dept. of Energy because you were so arrogant as to believe you would never have to be responsible for billions of dollars of economic loss, loss of wildlife and their sanctuaries and job loss.

Oh, mighty oil and gas companies, the public bows at your feet for your magnanimous disservice to the world. Somehow, the Cover My A$$ agenda of yours backfired and the truth leaked out as fast as the crude oil into the ocean. This could take a decade from which to recover, no thanks to you and your greedy CEO.

Now, will someone please ban the British off our shores in a timely manner? While you are at it, ban the Saudis from owning our banks and our ports. How crazy is that? We allow known terrorist countries to own our economic system. Did any of our brilliant government leaders ever consider that maybe the most effective way to take down an enemy is from within the economic system???

Speaking of destroying us from within, why oh, why is the President actually giving the green light to the oil industry to do more drilling off our coasts? Has he learned nothing from the current disaster? And while he’s on that learning curve, he needs to investigate his own Dept of Energy and which nitwit OK’d British Petroleum without a clean-up plan in the first place. Fire them. They are not good stewards of our resources for one. Additionally, it smells like just maybe there is a bribe in the dark here or why else would BP have passed muster when they should not have?

Anyway, rant aside, these are some great political cartoons about the recent and ever-growing oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, right off the shore of my state of Louisiana. I do so love the way our federal government does not give Louisiana the promised oil royalties to clean up the mess these American and foreign oil companies do to the land and the ocean in our area – and they have been destroying the land for decades now. The energy companies take what they want and then leave us, the local taxpayers, with the mess. Is is any wonder that Louisiana is known for its poverty?

Then our corrupt state government is busy using those sporadic federal monies to build bridges to literally nowhere and pocketing the rest for their campaigns for President like current Governor Bobby Jindal.

It’s no wonder the wildlife is leaving America and flying to safer shores. I hope they save room for me and mine as we just might be joining them sooner than later to escape the cultural and political madness here.

*** For The Mother Post of Funnies with all the other links to more laughs and great political cartoons:

Whats Happening in America This Week: Wall Street Political Cartoons 1 May 2010

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Video: Overview of Reiki (or Yoga) Chakras

13 Jul

From Denny: This is a simple introduction overview of the chakras (energy centers of the body), where they are located and how they operate, even what color is associated with this spiritual energy. Warning: the melodic soothing music is so relaxing you won’t feel any stress as you learn something new! 🙂 Enjoy!

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Astronomy: A New Push to Turn Off the Lights in 2009

18 Mar

“Astronomers are fed up. One fifth of the world’s population cannot see the Milky Way because street lamps and building lights are too bright. So scientists are mounting a new campaign, called Dark Skies Awareness, aiming to reduce light pollution as part of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy.

“Reducing the number of lights on at night could help conserve energy, protect wildlife and benefit human health,” astronomer Malcolm Smith of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile wrote in a commentary Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Smith points out that billions of dollars of light is needlessly shined into the sky each year. Beyond the waste of money and energy, this light is blocking people’s view of the heavens.

“Without a direct view of the stars, mankind is cut off from most of the universe, deprived of any direct sense of its huge scale and our tiny place within it,” Smith wrote.

Plus, lights confuse and harm wildlife. For example, millions of birds in North America die every year because their migration patterns are disrupted by errant light. And baby sea turtles hatched in the sand often mistakenly head toward cities, instead of the sea, because they are lured by artificial lights.

Preliminary research even suggests that light at night is harmful to human health, potentially reducing the normal production of melatonin in our bodies, which suppresses cell division in cancerous tissue.”

By Clara Moskowitz

From Denny: Like a lot of people I’m all for conserving energy and not wasting it needlessly. When we vacationed in Greece a few years back we were astonished at how many stars we could see in the sky with the naked eye. Talk about feel cheated when we got back home to America and suburbia! I’ve often wondered if turning out the city lights could boost our ability to see the skies in more detail.

What I didn’t know is how excessive light during the night hours may be the reason for the increase in cancer this generation. That’s a sobering thought! Even if it is only part of the problem it is significant to consider changing.

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