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5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem

8 Nov

Lightness Photo by alicepopkorn @ flickr, a practicing Buddhist from Germany

5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem

“Soul affirmations are a way to look at nourishing your patient ancient soul and convincing your ego to play nice, cooperate and learn to share with others while letting your soul out to play. It’s a way to blend the wise with the younger part of self still in the learning stage.

Our egos are trained and shaped and often defeated by the family and national culture into which we are born. Once we become adults it is up to us to parent those parts of ourselves that have been undernourished, neglected. Often we have been denied acceptance, understanding and love.”

By Denny Lyon @ HubPages

From Denny: As we go into the holiday season and the cooling weather to prepare for winter when Nature sleeps and rests, our thoughts turn inward to reexamine our lives and meditate upon inner healing.

Though I choose to be a mystical Christian, this article can really apply to any religion or life philosophy based upon self-improvement so we can better understand the Life around us. There are wonderful art photos for the poem too, enjoy!

5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem

Your Choice: 11 Posts, Thought-Provoking Quotes, Politics, World News, Health News

7 Oct

From Denny: Here’s a little “light reading” to help you pass the day. 🙂 Seriously, Meet The Press was actually worth the watch this past week, even the roundtable discussion was profitable for a change.

Also, some unusual health news stories you might not have caught this week.

Lots of interesting quotes for your mind to chew on with some beautiful photos for eye candy while you think.

Politics and World News:

Video: Drought Devastates Kenya, People Fighting to Stay Alive

Meet The Press was exceptionally good this past week. I broke down the videos into smaller clips with commentary on each one so you can decide which ones you want to watch. There is also a link to watch the program in its entirety.

Video: Meet The Press part 1, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice Calmly Boxes Gregory into Submission

Video: Meet The Press, part 2, Democrat Maddow Pummels Republican Murphy into a Pout

Video: Meet The Press, part 3, Press Reaction Mostly Informative, Discuss Race in 2012 Against Obama

Health News

Our New Life Expectancy and Dementia Rated Higher for Professional Athletes

Thought-Provoking Quotes and Beautiful Photos

Do You Feel Buffeted About By the Winds of Life? Heres 5 Thought Provoking Solutions

What Journey is the Most Rewarding?

Cool Way to Practice a Senseless Act of Beauty!

Knowing the Essence of Yourself Creates Success

Thoughts on World Power From Rumi

Photography and Poetry

How to Combine Photos with Your Poetry: Cool Eye Theme Photos!

Do You Realize Speaking Kindness to Others Benefits You!

19 Jul

From Denny: This is a wonderful profound statement about the long-lasting effects of kindness when someone hears these words. Have you ever considered how much good it does your own heart – and health – when it hears you speak these words out loud for another? Both of you benefit!

This act of kindness goes a long way toward developing emotional intelligence to the highest level and boosting the health of your own immune system against disease. After all “dis-ease” is to be out of balance. Kindness creates an “ease” bringing all into balance again, making you and others stronger!


“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” ~ Mother Theresa

Emotional Health and Wellbeing, healing, kindness, Emotional intelligence, Immune system, Intelligence, Conditions and Diseases, Social Sciences, Psychology, Cancer, Health

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How Do You Handle Excessive Stress?

18 Jul

Interrupting GoGo's catnap to tell her about t...Interrupting GoGo’s catnap to tell her about the health benefits of smiling… Image by elycefeliz via Flickr

From Denny:

In case you missed it, yesterday I ran this quote over at the quotes blog, Beautiful Illustrated Quotations, and thought it was also a good fit over here:

Every now and then you get to quote yourself which I find quite amusing! How does that happen? Well, the spiritual development people know exactly what I’m talking about as it often goes like this: You are replying to an email as I was in this instance, or, say, you were having a conversation with someone, and, suddenly, out pops this fantastic one liner. You know it’s profound or memorable or just plain good advice.

There is a lot of chaos, job loss, sudden onset of health issues and violence going on right now in our economy. People are struggling with their particular life tests, looking for ways to battle or handle excessive stress.

I grew up in a harsh environment of constant stress and created a lot of coping skills to help me manage the stress instead of the stress controlling me. Here is the most recent advice my spirit jumped up and offered to a recent email friend whose husband is now out of work and lost their house of many years.

There is a lot of hurt going on throughout this country. Like anyone I have my own garbage to deal with from time to time, yet I follow my own advice as in this quote. It has never failed me.

Inevitably, the bad times begin to fade and finally end and then a new cycle of properity begins. Keep your mind and eyes on the positive – even when you know it’s down the road. Eventually, you will arrive at that better point in your life.


“Keep smiling. Humor keeps your attitude pushed up and your heart wide open to sight the new opportunities coming your way.” Denny Lyon, 16 July 2009

Health, Stress, Mental health, Coping skill, Emotional Health and Wellbeing, Kids and Teens, Lyon, Support group, Denny Lyon, humor, smiling

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How Do You Handle Excessive Stress?

17 Jul

Interrupting GoGo's catnap to tell her about t...Interrupting GoGo’s catnap to tell her about the health benefits of smiling… Image by elycefeliz via Flickr

From Denny:

Today I’m running this quote over at the quotes blog, Beautiful Illustrated Quotations, and thought it was also a good fit over here:

Every now and then you get to quote yourself which I find quite amusing! How does that happen? Well, the spiritual development people know exactly what I’m talking about as it often goes like this: You are replying to an email as I was in this instance, or, say, you were having a conversation with someone, and, suddenly, out pops this fantastic one liner. You know it’s profound or memorable or just plain good advice.

There is a lot of chaos, job loss, sudden onset of health issues and violence going on right now in our economy. People are struggling with their particular life tests, looking for ways to battle or handle excessive stress.

I grew up in a harsh environment of constant stress and created a lot of coping skills to help me manage the stress instead of the stress controlling me. Here is the most recent advice my spirit jumped up and offered to a recent email friend whose husband is now out of work and lost their house of many years.

There is a lot of hurt going on throughout this country. Like anyone I have my own garbage to deal with from time to time, yet I follow my own advice as in this quote. It has never failed me.

Inevitably, the bad times begin to fade and finally end and then a new cycle of properity begins. Keep your mind and eyes on the positive – even when you know it’s down the road. Eventually, you will arrive at that better point in your life.


“Keep smiling. Humor keeps your attitude pushed up and your heart wide open to sight the new opportunities coming your way.” Denny Lyon, 16 July 2009

Health, Stress, Mental health, Coping skill, Emotional Health and Wellbeing, Kids and Teens, Lyon, Support group, Denny Lyon, humor, smiling

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Top 10 Thinking Traps Exposed – How to Foolproof Your Mind, part 2

8 Jul

From Denny: Here is part 2 of Luciano’s article about foolproofing your mind from thinking traps!

This is an excerpt:

“In the first part of this article, we focused on five traps that hinder our ability to think clearly. Now it’s time to complete the list and expose yet another five dangerous traps to be avoided. Let’s dive right in.

“6. The Conformity Trap: Everybody Else Is Doing It

“In a series of experiments, researchers asked students in a classroom a series of very simple questions and, sure enough, most of them got the answers right. In another group, they asked the same questions but this time there were actors posing as students, purposefully pushing wrong answers. This time around, many more students provided wrong answers based on the leads from the researchers’ assistants.

“This “herd instinct” exists — in different degrees — in all of us. Even if we hate to admit it, other people’s actions do heavily influence ours. We fear looking dumb: failing along with many people is frequently not considered a big deal, but when we fail alone we must take all the heat ourselves. There’s always peer pressure to adopt the behaviors of the groups you’re in.

“This tendency to conform is notoriously exploited in advertising. Businesses often sell you products not based on their features, but by showing how popular they are: since others are buying it in droves, why would you not join them?

“Conformity is also one of the main reasons why once a book makes into a well-known best-sellers list, it tends to “lock in” and continue there for a long time. People like to consume what “everybody else” is consuming.
What can you do about it?

“Discount the influence of others. When analyzing information, shield yourself from other opinions — at least at first. This is the best way to decide without being subconsciously swayed by popular opinions.

“Beware “social proof”. Always raise a flag when someone tries to convince you arguing primarily on the popularity of a choice, instead of on that choice’s merit.
Be courageous. Be willing to overcome obstacles and defend your viewpoints, despite their unpopularity. Don’t be afraid pointing out that the Emperor wears no clothes.”

By Luciano Passuello @ litemind

To finish this article just click on the title link to take you the litemind site! Thanks for visiting!

litemind peer pressure social proof 10 the Emperor wears no clothes kids and teens health school time emotional health and wellbeing food industry luciano passuello

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