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BP Oil Spill Coverage – News Headlines 3 May 2010

3 May

From Denny: I thought I’d collect the various headlines about this monumental environmental oil spill disaster that is still unfolding. No one still can predict the impact of this oil spill on the environment and the American economy until after the oil well is capped – and that could take another three months to drill that relief well.

Tracking the Oil Spill AP Graphic

Environmental Impact AP Graphic

16 May – BP says siphon tube is working HAMMOND, La. (AP) — In the first step in nearly a month toward stopping a massive Gulf of Mexico oil leak, BP said a mile-long tube was siphoning most of the crude from a blown well to a tanker ship after three days of wrestling to get the stopgap measure into place on the seafloor.

BP spokesman Mark Proegler said the contraption was hooked up successfully and sucking most of the oil from the leak. Engineers remotely guiding robot submersibles had worked since Friday to place the tube into a 21-inch pipe nearly a mile below the sea.

Previous attempts to use emergency valves and a 100-ton container had failed to stop the leak that has spilled millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf, threatening sea life, commercial fishing and the coastal tourist industry from Louisiana to Florida. BP PLC has also been burning small amounts of floating oil and spraying chemical dispersants above and below the surface.

Researchers, meanwhile, warned Sunday that miles-long underwater plumes of oil from the spill could poison and suffocate sea life across the food chain, with damage that could endure for a decade or more.

Researchers have found more underwater plumes of oil than they can count from the blown-out well, said Samantha Joye, a professor of marine sciences at the University of Georgia. She said careful measurements taken of one plume showed it stretching for 10 miles, with a 3-mile width.

The hazardous effects of the plume are twofold. Joye said the oil itself can prove toxic to fish swimming in the sea, while vast amount of oxygen are also being sucked from the water by microbes that eat oil. Dispersants used to fight the oil are also food for the microbes, speeding up the oxygen depletion.

“So, first you have oily water that may be toxic to certain organisms and also the oxygen issue, so there are two problems here,” said Joye, who’s working with a group of scientists who discovered the underwater plumes in a recent boat expedition to the Gulf. “This can interrupt the food chain at the lowest level, and will trickle up and certainly impact organisms higher. Whales, dolphins and tuna all depend on lower depths to survive.”

She said it could take years or even decades for the ecosystem to recover…

15 May – BP: Tube idea tough at depth Placing a smaller tube into a pipe almost a mile deep in the Gulf of Mexico to siphon off an oil leak and then send the oil to a tanker ship is a simple idea but hard to execute at that depth of water, said a BP executive Friday.

“It’s never been done before in water that deep,” said Doug Suttles, chief operating officer for the company, during a news conference Friday. “The challenge is to deploy it.”

A fleet of about 12 remotely operated vehicles were continuing Friday to position the 6-inch riser insertion tube inside the 21-inch-diameter riser pipe leaking on the bottom of the Gulf.

The tube will be inserted far enough inside the pipe where sea water has not yet reached the oil, Suttles said. A rubber stopper rings the insertion tube and, Suttles said, that should stop sea water from flowing into the pipe and oil from leaking out. The tube is connected to pipe that will take the oil to a waiting tanker ship, he said.

Suttles said he hoped the riser insertion tube would be working by Friday night.

Beyond difficulties in inserting the tube in deep water, BP engineers are also concerned about the formation of gas hydrates — crystals that form when natural gases and water are present at high pressure and low temperatures, BP engineers said.

BP’s first effort to contain the leak failed last weekend after a four-story, 100-ton containment dome reached the seabed and became plugged with hydrates, which can have the consistency of slush, BP engineers have said.

Sitting off to the side of the activity on the seabed is the “top hat,” a 5-foot-tall containment dome that will only be used if the insertion tube fails, Suttles said.

Last weekend, Suttles said the top hat was going to be the method BP used as a second try at containing the leak. But on Wednesday, he changed course and announced the insertion tube would be used first.

Even if BP successfully plugs the leak, they still plan to use a “junk shot” to close up the blowout preventer that sits on top of the well head. Pieces of tire, golf balls and knotted rope will be shot into the blowout preventer to plug up the well. BP is still waiting for the Minerals Management Service to approve the method…

15 May – Dispersant concerns discussed

DULAC, LA. — At a town hall meeting in this bayou town Thursday night, residents were particularly concerned with the mass use of chemical dispersants to rein in the estimated 4 million gallons of oil unleashed by a broken underwater well in the Gulf of Mexico.

Crews responding to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill have used more than 517,000 gallons of chemical dispersant to break up oil on the surface of the Gulf and at the source of the spill on the seabed 5,000 feet below.

While BP and government officials estimate that 5,000 barrels of oil are being released into the Gulf each day, independent assessments using satellite imagery and videotape of the seafloor gusher have placed the amount at potentially as high as 70,000 barrels a day.

Dispersants, which help break up the oil by binding it to water molecules, have been sprayed from airplanes onto the Gulf surface, and injected with tubes at the site of the broken well on the seafloor.

Yet despite the mass deployment of the chemical — and BP’s desire to use more underwater — scientists know little about the potential ecological dangers and health risks posed by prolonged use of dispersants, particularly underwater.

The U.S. Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency have authorized BP to use dispersant on the surface of the Gulf, but the oil company has been required to conduct tests for using the chemical underwater at the source of the leak. EPA approved use of dispersants underwater on a temporary basis Friday, despite the state of Louisiana’s objections.

A final decision is expected this weekend on whether dispersants can continue to be used underwater to help break up the oil…

7 May Oil Leak Container Touches Down on Seafloor (CBS)

Robot Submarines Used to Position 100-Ton Structure; Contraption Needs 12 Hours Minimum to Settle

A BP-chartered vessel lowered a 100-ton concrete-and-steel vault onto a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico on Friday, an important step in a delicate and unprecedented attempt to stop most of the gushing crude fouling the sea.

Underwater robots guided the 40-foot-tall box into place. Now that the contraption is on the seafloor, workers will need at least 12 hours to let it settle and make sure it’s stable before the robots can hook up a pipe and hose that will funnel the oil up to a tanker…

6 MayOil Washing Ashore at Island Off Louisiana Coast (CBS)

Sands on Marshland Have Pinkish Oily Substance Washing Ashore in Confirmed Oil Sighting

Oil is washing up on the shores of New Harbor Island off the coast of Louisiana.

An Associated Press reporter saw a pinkish oily substance washing up Thursday on the sands and into the marshland at this part of the Chandeleur barrier islands chain.

It was at least the second time the AP has confirmed oil coming ashore. Oil was seen washing up at the mouth of the Mississippi last week.

On New Harbor island, birds are diving into the oily waters, but they didn’t seem to be in any distress. It’s nesting time for sea gulls and pelicans and the danger is they may be taking contaminated food or oil on feathers to their young.

There are also numerous dead jellyfish, including some that have washed up on the beach.

A rapid response team will investigate reports that oil from a massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico has reached the Chandeleur Islands off Louisiana’s coast.

Coast Guard Petty Officer Erik Swanson says the response team will deploy Thursday to assess the situation.

6 MayMarine Food Chain Seen at Risk After Oil Spill (CBS)

Scientists Already See Threat to Links in Ocean Food Chain

As Americans anxiously wait for a slick in the Gulf of Mexico to wash up along the coast, globules of oil are already falling to the bottom of the sea, where they threaten virtually every link in the ocean food chain, from plankton to fish on dinner tables everywhere.

Meanwhile, a giant concrete-and-steel box seen as the best short-term solution to bottling up the disastrous oil was loaded onto a boat Wednesday and the 100-ton (90-metric ton) contraption began its journey to the leak site about 50 miles (80 kilometers) off the Louisiana coast.

Oil has been gushing into the Gulf of Mexico at a rate of at least 200,000 gallons (755,000 liters) a day since an offshore drilling rig exploded last month and killed 11 people. Officials hope to lower the concrete-and-steel box the size of a four-story building to the bottom of the sea by week’s end to capture some of the oil.

For marine life, though, the damage is already done, experts said.

“The threat to the deep-sea habitat is already a done deal it is happening now,” said Paul Montagna, a marine scientist at the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Hail-size gobs of oil the consistency of tar or asphalt will roll around the sea’s bottom, while other bits will get trapped hundreds of feet (meters) below the surface and move with the current, said Robert S. Carney, a Louisiana State University oceanographer…

4 MayParanoia, anxiety grow over Gulf Coast oil spill (AP) People along the Gulf Coast have spent weeks living with uncertainty, wondering where and when a huge slick of oil might come ashore, ruining their beaches — and their livelihoods…

30 April Oil from massive Gulf spill reaching La. coast (NBC)
Faint fingers of oily sheen have reached the mouth of Mississippi River

An oil spill that threatened to eclipse even the Exxon Valdez disaster spread out of control with a faint sheen washing ashore along the Gulf Coast Thursday night as fishermen rushed to scoop up shrimp and crews spread floating barriers around marshes.

The spill was bigger than imagined — five times more than first estimated — and closer. Faint fingers of oily sheen were reaching the Mississippi River delta, lapping the Louisiana shoreline in long, thin lines.

“It is of grave concern,” David Kennedy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told The Associated Press. “I am frightened. This is a very, very big thing. And the efforts that are going to be required to do anything about it, especially if it continues on, are just mind-boggling…”

29 AprilGulf of Mexico Oil Hits Coast; White House Calls Spill Event of ‘National Significance’ (ABC) Shrimpers File Lawsuit Against BP

Oil from a massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico began to wash ashore along the Gulf Coast this evening after BP asked the U.S. government for help cleaning up the mess.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said during the White House briefing that designating the spill as one of “national significance” means that “we can now draw down assets from across the country” to assist with cleanup.

She said 1,100 people are working on the cleanup effort, which so far has collected 685,000 gallons of oil and water from the polluted Gulf.

Earlier this afternoon, the Coast Guard had predicted that oil could begin to hit the Louisiana coastline as early as tonight. At the time, the floating oil slick was just 3 miles from land and 25 miles from the nearest populated area.

The White House said 174,060 feet of flotation booms had been deployed to corral the floating oil. It said an additional 243,260 feet is available and 265,460 feet has been ordered.

It said 76 tugs, barges and skimmers were on scene to help in containment and cleanup, along with six fixed-wing aircraft, 11 helicopters, 10 remotely operated vehicles, and two mobile offshore drilling units…

27 AprilGulf of Mexico oil spill creates environmental and political dilemmas (Washington Post)

The ripple effects of last week’s offshore drilling rig explosion widened Monday as crude oil continued to spill into the Gulf of Mexico at a rate of about a thousand barrels a day and oil company officials said it would take at least two to four weeks to get it under control.

The growing spill also threatened to churn political waters as lawmakers weigh what buffer zones to establish between rigs and shorelines in the wake of President Obama’s decision to open up new regions to offshore drilling. It could also alter details of a climate bill that three leading senators were trying to restart after postponing plans for a rollout that would have featured leading oil company executives.

The Deepwater Horizon, owned by Transocean and leased to BP, caught fire April 20 after an explosion and sank. Eleven oil rig workers are missing and presumed dead. The rig, with a platform bigger than a football field and insured for $560 million, was one of the most modern and was drilling in 5,000 feet of water…

27 AprilContaining The Gulf Coast Oil Spill (NPR)

Doug Helton, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s emergency response division, talks to Melissa Block about the oil spill in the Gulf Coast. The two discuss the ongoing efforts to stop the underwater spill, and what is being done to clean it up.

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Greedy Opportunistic Wall Street: Political Cartoons, Opinion Post – 24 April 2010

24 Apr

From Denny: Wall Street continues to trumpet it’s record MULTI BILLION DOLLARS PROFIT QUARTERS in business after business. Gasoline consumption is way down yet the prices remain high. The President and Congress have done absolutely NOTHING to help the middle class in this area.

They are dragging their feet thinking the average person can keep waiting. Politicians seem to forget the public has been waiting since the last two years of the Bush-Cheney administration when the economy was tanking and millions of jobs were lost and not replaced. Congress and this White House do not appear to possess a sense of urgency because it is not in their face. This White House spends far too much time coddling the Republicans when they should be paying attention to the public needs – not the bankers on Wall Street who created this economic mess in the first place.

These idiot waiting periods like Congress did for the credit card legislation set off an 18 month nightmare for the middle class – forcing a large number of people into bankruptcy. Now Congress has a waiting period for the new health care bill and the health insurance companies have already hit with their first salvo.

Now health insurance companies are outright denying further health insurance to any women who have had breast cancer and surgery. They targeted these women purposefully. They are now telling women they will have to pay for their own surgeries. I suppose this White House – and whoever his really bad advisors are – will tell the President again to not interfere and tame Big Business. This is an outrage. Women and children continue to be classified as second class citizens in this country because Big Business knows there is no one to stop them.

Am I the only blogger or journalist going balls to the wall for the middle class? Does any one seem to care thousands of people are committing suicide, breaking up their marriages, losing their businesses and their homes over financial stresses? There is far too much complacency from the media on the state of the middle class. Right now the middle class has no champion fighting against the odds. Whatever happened to the kind of good character people who used to be part of the media and “challenge the powers that be”? Whatever happened to integrity and courage in this country – especially from the media?

Here’s hoping for some decent financial reform instead of the usual weak response from Congress…

*** Check out the rest of the Saturday series of political cartoons this week:

Whats Happening in America This Week – Political Cartoons 24 Apr 2010

College Grads Chances of Finding Jobs: Political Cartoons

Political Cartoons: Iceland Volcano Wrecks World Economy

Ridiculous Outrageous Extra Airline Fees: Political Cartoons

Cool Earth Day Links, Message From Our Prez

The Smallest Earth Day Poem – Libations Friday 16 Apr 2010

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Hate Groups On the Rampage, Big Banks Skirting the Law – Headlines 29 Mar 2010

29 Mar

News Headlines Roundup 15 Mar 2010

15 Mar

From Denny: Check out the outrage of the day with AIG, an amusing but true opinion piece of comparing Rumsfeld’s so-called Old Europe to America – and guess what – there really is life in the frozen waters of Antartica.

AIG Holding Back $21M in Bonuses: AIG is withholding $21 million in retention bonuses that were set to be paid Monday to current and former employees of the company’s financial products division, according to a CNBC report.

In an effort to quell public outrage about lavish bonuses, AIG has set about to recoup $45 million in bonuses paid to members of the same unit whose risky deals would have brought down the insurer if not for a nearly $180 billion federal bailout in September 2008.

Lawmakers and federal officials, including White House executive pay czar Kenneth Feinberg, have consistently expressed indignation over AIG’s bonuses, which the insurer has insisted it is contractually obligated to pay out. After paying out $165 million in bonuses last year, AIG began a voluntary giveback program and recouped $40 million.

With the latest giveback, the insurer will exceed its $45 million giveback goal.

AIG is still paying out $46 million to around 70 people, many former employees of the financial products unit, according to CNBC’s report.

In all, AIG was set to pay out $195 million in bonuses by March 15, but many employees agreed to reduce lesser amounts in exchange for an earlier payment, which saved the insurer $20 million. The $46 million payment is going to those employees who are still owed bonus money.

Dying to Diss’ Old Europe? Think Twice: Each time I return from a visit to the other side of the Atlantic, Don Rumsfeld looks smarter all the time – though for all the wrong reasons. I’ll keep this brief because I’m still jet-lagged, but remember back in early 2003, when France and Germany opposed George Bush’s Iraq invasion plan? That’s when the then-U.S. Secretary of Defense took a public swipe at French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. In doing so, he also managed to insult a lot of Europeans to the delight of the neo-con crowd back home.

When you look at “vast numbers of other countries in Europe, they’re not with France and Germany… they’re with the U.S.,” Rumsfeld said. “You’re thinking of Europe as Germany and France. I don’t. I think that’s old Europe.”

… Europe obviously has issues to sort through. Yet a headline scan turns up no shortage of bizarre and untoward behavior in our own backyard. Consider the following:

…More fodder for those who believe corporations control the Congress. Nearly 15 months after a reform-minded president came into office, we still don’t have health care reform.

Speaking of Congress, the habits of a former member with a predilection for tickle fights became a prime time obsession. As if we should really care.

And silly me. I thought the judiciary was supposed to be immune from partisanship. Yet here was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court zinging the President of the United States for conducting what he described as a “political pep rally.”

A high school in Mississippi cancels its prom following a request by a gay female student to attend the party with her same-sex date. (Here’s the wording from the official statement: “Due to the distractions to the educational process caused by recent events, the Itawamba County School District has decided to not host a prom at Itawamba Agricultural High School this year.”) Distractions? Is this 2010 or 1910?

Karl Rove told the BBC that he “was proud” that the U.S. used harsh interrogation techniques on detainees, including waterboarding, which he asserted was not torture. “They’re appropriate, they’re in conformity with our international agreements and with U.S. law.” So says Rove. That statement surely falls into the “Mars-Venus” category.

… Well, that’s just the short list. I could go on but why belabor the point? Most of the hired help in Washington either is too clueless or to gutless to acknowledge that when it comes to oddball and feckless behavior, the U.S. still has Europe beat by a country mile. The late, great George Carlin said it best. When you’re born, they give you a pass to the freak show. When you’re born in the United States, you get a front row seat. That’s one thing we’ll still have over Old Europe, every day of the week.

NASA Finds Shrimp Beneath Antarctica Ice: jellyfish frolicking beneath a massive Antarctic ice sheet.

Six hundred feet below the ice where no light shines, scientists had figured nothing much more than a few microbes could exist.

That’s why a NASA team was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica. A curious shrimp-like creature came swimming by and then parked itself on the camera’s cable. Scientists also pulled up a tentacle they believe came from a foot-long jellyfish.

“We were operating on the presumption that nothing’s there,” said NASA ice scientist Robert Bindschadler, who will be presenting the initial findings and a video at an American Geophysical Union meeting Wednesday. “It was a shrimp you’d enjoy having on your plate.”

“We were just gaga over it,” he said of the 3-inch-long, orange critter starring in their two-minute video. Technically, it’s not a shrimp. It’s a Lyssianasid amphipod, which is distantly related to shrimp.

The video is likely to inspire experts to rethink what they know about life in harsh environments. And it has scientists musing that if shrimp-like creatures can frolic below 600 feet of Antarctic ice in subfreezing dark water, what about other hostile places? What about Europa, a frozen moon of Jupiter?

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Toyota Owner Testifies to Congress, Toyota Prez Pretends Apology, Still No Fixes

24 Feb

From Denny: The problems with Toyota are long term and systemic of the Toyota culture. They offer up public apologies and still continue to stonewall owners on fixing their cars. Since the President Akio Toyoda testified and apologized before Congress, Toyota’s new campaign is to hit the airwaves with more ads.

They are blasting the social sites like Digg with their public relations “news stories” FOX network style, claiming all is fine and in control. All that says to me is they are still too cheap to let go of the money to properly correct their electronics problems. They would rather spend that same money – and probably more in the final analysis – on ads, denials, public relations companies and pretend fixes.

As usual, Toyota is tone deaf. What do the American owners of Toyotas want from the parent company? They want their cars fixed and fixed properly. If Toyota is unable to do so, then buy back the cars.

Toyota’s answer to the angry public is to do slick advertising of their vehicles. They also advertise their Lexus brand more, hoping people don’t focus upon the connection to the parent company of Toyota.

Rhonda Smith, a Lexus owner from Tennessee, testified before Congress about her ordeal. Her car went careening out of control at 100 mph – and that was in 2006. Toyota refused to fix the car. Listen to her ordeal and tell me it doesn’t leave you wondering why America still tolerates this car company to do business here.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Akio Toyoda, President and owner of Toyota, offers his apology, yet still does nothing to correct the problems:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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Video: Prez Obama Takes Away Big Business 25 Year Wallet Candy

29 Oct

From Denny: If ever there was a wallet abyss the F-22 Raptor jet program was it. From the President Reagan era to the Bush-Cheney period it became nothing but a rewards program to Big Business donors that would not stop giving no matter how loud the howling of the American public. Well, finally, someone put a stop to any new planes being built: President Obama. It only took 25 years for a politician to be brave enough to deny the greedy monsters their wallet candy. They will finish up those planes in process; wonder how much that is still going to cost us. Now if Obama would just sign all lobbyists out of existence this country could jump out of debt in seconds…

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Videos: Hidden Bank Practices Regarding Deceptive Fees

1 Oct

From Denny: This will get your blood boiling fast for sure! Educate yourself how to handle your banking relationship as American and European banks work overtime to make the consumer pay for the bank’s bad investment choices.

Note: Royal Bank of Scotland took bailout money from two countries – America and the United Kingdom and then had the nerve to tell everyone they were refusing to loan any money to the same taxpayers, preferring to apply the bailout money to its profit line.

There are several videos on this subject to give you an overview of how the banking trend has been developing for some time and appears to not to be going away any time in this generation unless the public gets serious about pushback.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Why are banks raising their fees? This was reported 17 July 2009 and explains the banking position which Americans are so angry about getting caught in like a vice grip:

Watch CBS Videos Online

This was reported at the beginning of American ire against the banks right after the taxpayer bailouts infuriated everyone:

Watch CBS Videos Online

This video goes all the way back to 10 June 2005, discussing bank fees. Note that this is about 10 months after Hurricane Katrina hit, causing economic devastation that reveberated throughout the economy. Banks have been getting to the consumer for five years now!

Watch CBS Videos Online

Note: The reason I use NBC News and CNN videos the most is that they do a better job than CBS News by taking care of their links and keep the stories up longer. Apologies to anyone who finds sometimes these two older CBS videos might not work.

This Weeks Editorial Cartoons 19 September 2009

19 Sep

From Denny: Oops! China “got tariffed” on their tires by the USA to try and protect at least a few of our remaining manufacturers not driven out of business in America.

Then it’s on to The Bad Behavior Club from bad sportsmanship to mean-spirited awards ceremony hissing to political screaming at a dignified event.

Of course, we are all affected by and frustrated with big banks refusing to lend us the money our bailout provided them to the credit card companies feeing us to death for no reason.

Then there’s the usual suspects concerning health care reform

*** Make sure you check out Dennys Global Politics for the latest political stories about Iran and more this week, go here.

*** Usually, I park these editorial cartoons at The Social Poets on Saturday mornings. So, if I forget to share over here just know you can find them over at the The Social Poets. Thanks for visiting!

This Weeks Editorial Cartoons 19 September 2009

19 Sep

From Denny: Oops! China “got tariffed” on their tires by the USA to try and protect at least a few of our remaining manufacturers not driven out of business in America.

Then it’s on to The Bad Behavior Club from bad sportsmanship to mean-spirited awards ceremony hissing to political screaming at a dignified event.

Of course, we are all affected by and frustrated with big banks refusing to lend us the money our bailout provided them to the credit card companies feeing us to death for no reason.

Then there’s the usual suspects concerning health care reform

Video: Pushing Back Against Big Business Banks Outrageous Practices

15 Sep

From Denny: I’ve been wondering how long it was going to take someone to start a Pushback Revolution against Big Business Banks. Let’s not forget that Britain’s Royal Bank of Scotland took money from TWO governments and has joined in with the USA banks to jack up good credit customers’ rates. The new strategy after Congress passed anemic credit card legislation this past year is to fee everyone to death while taking government bailout monies to pad their profit bottom line.

This lady is frustrated with Bank of America. Too many of America’s banks got in mindset lockstep to gouge the American consumer. They think they will actually retain these customers and have plenty of business for the future! I doubt it. Why? Because just recently the Obama economic guys came out to say they expected American debt to go down by about $4 billion. Guess what, it went down by about $20 billion. What a shock.

It’s obvious America is getting off credit cards as fast as they can pay off debt. You won’t see a return to business as usual for probably generations, as long as someone is alive to remember how the middle class is getting royally screwed in the wallet by big business and banks.