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Good News: American Soldier Cheers Others with Magic

15 Apr

From Denny: National Guardsman William “Scott” Anderson saved lives during tours in Iraq and Afghanistan almost daily. What he didn’t know is his fun little hobby of doing magic tricks would turn out to be a big hit with not only the sick children but whole villages.

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Healing Power of Plants and Herbs

26 Jan

From Denny: P. Allen Smith, author of “Bringing the Garden Indoors,” reminds us how plants keep us healthy by helping to clean indoor air. He also advises us upon which plants are great indoor choices and which need to be kept away from pets and small children.

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Video: Halle Berry Making a Difference for Battered Women

15 Nov

From Denny: If you missed this segment you will definitely want to watch it. Halle Berry grew up with an abusive father who battered her mother. Today, the actress is helping other women get strong, help heal them and their children and build new – and confident – lives.

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Video: Halle Berry Making a Difference for Battered Women

14 Nov

From Denny: If you missed this segment you will definitely want to watch it. Halle Berry grew up with an abusive father who battered her mother. Today, the actress is helping other women get strong, help heal them and their children and build new – and confident – lives.

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Video: Tim McGraw Making a Difference

13 Nov

From Denny: It’s celebrities like Tim McGraw and Faith Hill that make you smile with pride when they choose to share their wealth and get involved helping others. They are actively pursuing projects to help rebuild the Hurricane Katrina region that is still devastated five years after the storm hit.

He is from Louisiana and she is from Mississippi. It’s a common love story here in the South known as “a Louisiana man and a Mississippi woman.” And everyone looks at each other and grins knowingly…

The second video is a web exclusive and did not appear on TV.

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Tim McGraw discusses his charity Neighbor’s Keeper Fund which supports a variety of community charities, one right here in my home town of Baton Rouge, Louisiana for kids suffering from the trauma of the hurricane:

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To read his blog: Tim McGraw: Every day you can make a difference

Link to Neighbors Keeper Fund, go here.

Video: Halle Berry Making a Difference for Battered Women

13 Nov

From Denny: If you missed this segment you will definitely want to watch it. Halle Berry grew up with an abusive father who battered her mother. Today, the actress is helping other women get strong, help heal them and their children and build new – and confident – lives.

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Video: Halle Berry Making a Difference for Battered Women

12 Nov

From Denny: If you missed this segment you will definitely want to watch it. Halle Berry grew up with an abusive father who battered her mother. Today, the actress is helping other women get strong, help heal them and their children and build new – and confident – lives.

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Added Spiritual Self-Healing Article Links in the Sidebar

19 Aug

From Denny: For the past six months I’ve been writing various articles and poems about healing spiritually. As of today there are eight articles and poems listed. I’m a huge proponent of self-healing as while the journey is tough it’s also a rewarding one. In these articles and poems I’ve placed some of my experiences and knowledge gained along the way of my own discovery. Many people have found the information and just another way to think about healing from yet another unconventional angle as useful, maybe you will too. Look at it this way: it’s free. Look, no ebook for sale… 🙂

Here’s what you will find so far in the sidebar. Will be adding to it as time goes along…

Healing: Universal Spiritual Principles That Work (part 1) – Spiritual principles can be used in a practical way in your everyday life to enhance it. Begins with the Indian proverb of how we live our lives in essentially four internal rooms. Discussion of cultivating a simple concept to regain and maintain our balance in life.

Healing: Keep Your Joy (part 2 of universal spiritual principles that work) – Explores internal clutter as what gets us off balance in life and a meditation and visualization exercise to clear that internal clutter to live a free and happier life!

What Really Makes Me So Smart (part 1) – How well do you know yourself on your deepest level? A war veteran I know suffering from PTSD often remarked how I knew myself so very well and marveled at it. I once suffered from PTSD and figured out how to heal myself over time without counseling or drug therapy. That’s the secret to healing: know yourself well. More is talked about in this article, mostly centered upon how you perceive others and the action you take in relationships. Also, discussion of the spirit vs. the ego in getting to know yourself better.

Walk the Talk to Happiness – With the passing of Britain’s last WWI veteran, Henry Allingham, the world was briefly focused upon his message of honoring others in our lives through the love of mentoring. Henry cultivated a path of happiness for over 100 years!

Push Abuse Out of Your Life and Out of Your Head – This article and poem is about the process of overcoming abuse to heal yourself. I was touched one day when I ran across a blog by an abused young woman who is also bipolar where she wrote about her inner struggle.

Poem: It Isnt In Me – A poem to help you define yourself by what you are not, take a look.

Writing Spiritual Poetry – With a spiritual poem about transformation in the hurricanes of life.

The Joy Makers: Feel the Love – This article is chock full of fun videos that will get you laughing so much you will fall off the chair and forget all about that bad day.