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Funny Wall Street Cartoons – 8 May 2010

8 May

Photo by I’m Fantastic @ flickr

From Denny: Bet those high-flying irresponsible good ol’ frat boys over on Wall Street are so glad that the BP oil slick is front and center in the news this week. They think they are off the hot seat for the moment. Actually, with this week’s hinky sudden 1,000 point drop in only five minutes during stock trading triggered a whole lot of suspicion world wide. They weakly tried to claim that some inept stock trader inserted the wrong letter for “billion” when they were supposed to insert the word “million.” Nice try when you were interviewed, Goldman Sachs, but weak.

Who is going to believe that after a week of Congressional testimony discussing how to bet “short” on a stock? Looks like someone thought it would be funny to “short” Proctor and Gamble and then clean up some serious profits. Those profits need to be returned and the inept stock trader and his crafty cunning bosses need to go to jail. They almost collapsed a large American company and may have triggered yet another economic collapse. The American taxpayers simply will not bail out these jerks one more time.

As it is, when we gave them bailout monies to hire American workers, what did they do? They fired thousands of American workers as soon as they received the monies and then went and hired thousands of foreign workers using our American taxpayer money. Americans got stabbed twice by Big Business. Time to rein in the Greed Monsters on Wall Street, Mr. President and Congress. Quit enabling them to cheat us.

*** ALSO today for political cartoons opinion of the latest news:

Oil Spill Disaster Cartoons – Whats Happening This Week in America – 8 May 2010

The Great American Immigration Debate: Political Cartoons – 8 May 2010

Times Square Terrorist Bomber: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

Greek Debt Crisis 4 The World: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

Funny Love-Hate Relationships of Fox News, Republicans, Tea Party, Airlines and Obama Cartoons – 8 May 2010

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Greek Debt Crisis 4 The World: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

8 May

Photo by I’m Fantastic @ flickr

From Denny: Greece is not the only European country with financial troubles, required to cut back on its spending ways and lavish lifestyle. Other countries may be following on their heels: Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Italy. Hopefully not but maybe so. Right now the Greek government agreed to Germany’s austerity conditions in exchange for a bailout of epic proportions even for this Drama King culture.

The Greeks are not happy about cutbacks. Apparently, this generation does not seem to understand the concept of sacrifice as previous generations did. There is no time like the present to find out what it means. Even an ancient culture such as this one is only as good as its current generation chooses to be good or foolish stewards of what previous generations gifted them.

I’m sure when the American and European economies began to falter, experiencing our own cutbacks of services, lavish lifestyles and massive job loss, out the window went the tourism industry the Greeks once enjoyed to fuel their economy. Looks like we all have to “stay-cation” now in our own countries and literally our own back yards until things improve. We all need to get serious about broadening our economies to not depend upon only one industry for income.

And along the same thinking of the comedy movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”

*** ALSO today for political cartoons opinion of the latest news:

Oil Spill Disaster Cartoons – Whats Happening This Week in America – 8 May 2010

The Great American Immigration Debate: Political Cartoons – 8 May 2010

Times Square Terrorist Bomber: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

Greek Debt Crisis 4 The World: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

Funny Wall Street Cartoons – 8 May 2010

Funny Love-Hate Relationships of Fox News, Republicans, Tea Party, Airlines and Obama Cartoons – 8 May 2010

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