Archive | March, 2010

American Oil Drilling, Besieged Pope, Studying Laughter, Birds DNA Give Clues to Our Speech – News Headlines 31 Mar 2010

31 Mar

1963 Letter Suggests Pope Knew of Abuse: (CBS) Head of Order that Oversaw Treatment of Pedophile Priests Recommended Removing them from Active Ministry. The head of a Roman Catholic order that specialized in the treatment of pedophile priests visited with the then-pope nearly 50 years ago and followed up with a letter recommending the removal of pedophile priests from ministry, according to a copy of the letter released Wednesday.

In the Aug. 27, 1963 letter, the head of the New Mexico-based Servants of the Holy Paraclete tells the pope he recommends removing pedophile priests from active ministry and strongly urges defrocking repeat offenders.

The letter, written by the Rev. Gerald M.C. Fitzgerald, appears to have been drafted at the request of the pope and summarizes Fitzgerald’s thoughts on problem priests after his Vatican visit.

A message left with the Paraclete order at one of their two existing facilities in Missouri was not returned. A number for the second facility was disconnected.

Tod Tamberg, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, defended the church and said it was unlikely Paul VI ever saw the letter.

“The fact of the matter is, the prevailing ideas at the time about how to deal with abusive behavior were not adequate,” Tamberg said. “Clearly, society and the church have evolved new understandings of what causes sexually abusive behavior and how to deal with it.”

Fitzgerald opens the five-page letter by thanking the pope for an audience the day before and says he is summarizing his thoughts at the pope’s request on the “problem of the problem priest” after 20 years working in to treat them.

He tells Paul VI that treatment for priests who have succumbed to “abnormal, homosexual tendencies” should include psychiatric, as well as spiritual, counseling – but goes on to warn about the dangers of leaving those individuals in ministry.

“Personally, I am not sanguine of the return of priests to active duty who have been addicted to abnormal practices, especially sins with the young,” Fitzgerald wrote.

“Where there is indication of incorrigibility, because of the tremendous scandal given, I would most earnestly recommend total laicization,” he wrote. “I say ‘total’ … because when these men are taken before civil authority, the non-Catholic world definitely blames the discipline of celibacy for the perversion of these men.”

The letter proves that Vatican officials knew about clergy abuse decades ago and should have done more to protect children, said Tony DeMarco, an attorney for clergy abuse victims in Los Angeles….

Obama Sees Value in “Drill, Baby, Drill”: (CBS) It may be hard to remember now, but one of the defining disputes of the 2008 presidential campaign — at least until the economy collapsed — was offshore drilling.

Republicans, looking to capitalize on Americans’ concerns about high gas prices (as well, perhaps, as lingering resentments in their base toward the environmental movement) turned “drill, baby, drill” into a mantra that was lustily chanted by delegates at the party’s national convention.

Today, President Obama essentially answered that call with: “You got it.”

While his decision to open up the southern Atlantic coastline and some other areas to offshore drilling may not have entirely appeased Republicans — House Republican Leader John Boehner complained that it did not go far enough — it nonetheless played like a repudiation of some of the beliefs of some of the most passionate members of his base…

The president acknowledged such criticism in his comments today, saying that “there will be those who strongly disagree with this decision, including those who say we should not open any new areas to drilling.” But he insisted that new drilling was a legitimate part of a comprehensive strategy to shift toward a clean energy economy.

In a press briefing following Mr. Obama’s statements, White House spokesman Bill Burton made a similar argument, insisting that the president’s plan represents a sensible middle ground. The approach, he said, is “a lot less ‘drill baby drill’ and more ‘drill where it’s responsible.'”

There appears to be a political calculation at play here: The White House is pushing forward with efforts to pass a climate change bill, and Lindsey Graham, the Senate Republican involved in the bipartisan effort to craft a bill, has stated flatly that he wouldn’t support the bill if it “doesn’t have off-shore drilling in a meaningful way.”

The White House — which, you’ll recall, was willing to jettison the public option from the health care bill in order to get it passed — seems to once again be displaying its pragmatism with today’s announcement. The decision, however, has left even some liberals sympathetic to a pragmatic strategy scratching their head.

The Washington Monthly’s Steve Benen noted that the initial White House strategy on energy seemed to involve a quid-pro-quo arrangement in which Republicans got offshore drilling and Democrats got cap-and-trade as part of an energy bill. But cap-and-trade seems to be effectively dead, leaving Benen wondering what the Obama administration is getting for its trouble.

“In February, the president cleared the way for the first new U.S. nuclear power plants in more than 30 years. Today, the president will reportedly open up new opportunities for coastal drilling,” he wrote. “In other words, Obama has already effectively given Republicans what they wanted on energy. What is he getting in return?”

What he may be getting is credit for trying to craft legislation in a bipartisan way. The White House was stung during the health care debate by charges that Democrats were working unilaterally; to address that claim before the final push on behalf of the legislation, the president hosted a bipartisan summit designed to convince Americans that he was open to Republican ideas.

More Mortgage Modification: (CBS) What is the new government program doing for those whose mortgages are with Deutsche National Bank, which is out of the country and refuses to work with you AT ALL? After hundreds of phone calls to their “United States office in New York”, my son gets the same answer …whoever your “lender” is has been given the power of attorney to handle your mortgage. The lender reverses to an automatic “We cannot help you”.

Maybe the government should LOOK at the packaged loans they have sold EN MASS to outside countries who are not concerned about American mortgages. They couldn’t even produce the note to his mortgage. I did an extensive search on Deutsche and they have no reason to work with any of their customers because their holdings reach FAR beyond the United States. Very lucrative.

What a vicious circle the American people have to endure because of our newly elected Administration, but rest assured we realize the REAL equation…NO JOB=NO MONEY=LOW CREDIT SCORE BEGINNING=NO HELP ON YOUR MORTGAGE!

China Likely to Agree to Iran Sanctions: (CBS) Six major world powers have agreed to begin putting together proposed new sanctions on Iran over its suspect nuclear program after China dropped its opposition, U.S. officials said Wednesday.

China, long a holdout against fresh international penalties against Iran, signaled its willingness to consider a United Nations Security Council sanctions resolution, the officials said.

Speaking at the U.N., Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the officials had “accurately described” the position of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany. She did not elaborate but said the group, known as the “P5-plus-one,” was unified…

China’s change of position improves prospects for passing a resolution aimed at pressuring Iran to scale back its nuclear ambitions, which Tehran insists are limited to developing nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

President Barack Obama had said Tuesday he hoped to have Iran sanctions in place within weeks – a timetable that appeared highly ambitious given China’s previous reluctance to even discuss specific sanctions. China had insisted that negotiation with Iran needed to be pursued.

On Wednesday, however, two U.S. officials said that in a phone call among officials from the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany, the Chinese representative said his country was prepared to discuss specific potential sanctions…

The Obama administration is hoping to get a U.N. resolution by the end of April. Clinton has not publicly cited a specific timetable but in recent days has sounded more optimistic about the chances of getting China to agree that new penalties are needed to force Iran’s hand…

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking to reporters after meeting with Obama at the White House on Tuesday, said Washington and Paris were “inseparable” in their thinking on the subject of Iran sanctions.

“Iran cannot continue its mad race” toward acquiring nuclear weapons,” Sarkozy said. “The time has come to take decisions.”

GOP Wary of Campaign to Repeal Health Law: (CBS) Despite Conservatives’ Crusade to Roll Back Reforms, Top Republicans Fear Doing So Will Alienate Moderates, Independents. Top Republicans are increasingly worried that GOP candidates this fall might be burned by a fire that’s roaring through the conservative base: demand for the repeal of President Barack Obama’s new health care law.

It’s fine to criticize the health law and the way Democrats pushed it through Congress without a single GOP vote, these party leaders say. But focusing on its outright repeal carries two big risks.

Repeal is politically and legally unlikely, and grass-roots activists may feel disillusioned by a failed crusade. More important, say strategists from both parties, a fierce “repeal the bill” stance might prove far less popular in a general election than in a conservative-dominated GOP primary, especially in states such as Illinois and California.

Democrats are counting on that scenario. They say more Americans will learn of the new law’s benefits over time and anger over its messy legislative pedigree will fade. For months, Democrats have eagerly catalogued Republican Congressional candidates who pledge to repeal the health care law, vowing to make them pay in November.

Republican leaders are stepping cautiously, wary of angering staunchly conservative voters bent on repealing the new law. In recent public comments, they have quietly played down the notion of repealing the law while emphasizing claims that it will hurt jobs, the economy and the deficit…

President Obama said last week he would relish a Republican bid to repeal the new law.

“My attitude is, go for it,” Mr. Obama said in Iowa on Friday. “If these congressmen in Washington want to come here in Iowa and tell small-business owners that they plan to take away their tax credits and essentially raise their taxes, be my guest.”

Michelle Obama Blooms in the White House: (CBS) Back in the White House Garden, The First Lady’s Popularity is Already Growing by the Bushel. The White House garden has done quite well in weathering the wild winter.

The garden has produced 50 pounds of produce before the tulips even came up.

Fourteen months into her tenure as first lady, Mrs. Obama is enjoying the kind of popularity her husband would jump through hoops for, reports CBS News Congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes.

Her approval ratings are blooming at 78 percent, higher than her recent predecessors at similar points in their husband’s presidency.

Comparatively, Laura Bush rated at 74 percent, and Rosalyn Carter rated at 59 percent. Hillary Clinton rated at 58 percent and Nancy Reagan at 57 percent.

And she has settled on a signature issue: Childhood obesity.

She is using her clout to chide grocery manufacturers and encouraging innovative ways for kids to get exercise, including hula hooping.

“I love the way that Mrs. Obama has stressed the simple things that people can change to make a huge difference in their lives,” says Katherine Tallmadge of the American Dietetic Association. “Things like eating more vegetables. Having a garden and being more physically active.

“They may seem like simple things but study after study show they’re effective things.”

While Mrs. Obama is known for taking fashion risks, she’s taken more pressing risks as well, including talking frankly about race.

“There were kids around my neighborhood who would say oooh you talk funny,” Mrs. Obama admitted, candidly. “You talk like a white girl.”

She granted an interview with right-leaning Fox News before her husband would.

She hasn’t been afraid to get her hands dirty… which seems to be going over well with most Americans.

To Scientists, Laughter Is No Joke: (CBS) Funny How? Scientists Study What’s Behind Guffaws And Find Laughter Links Us In Primal Ways. one teaches you how to laugh. You just do. And often you laugh involuntarily, in a specific rhythm and in certain spots in conversation.

You may laugh at a prank on April Fools’ Day. But surprisingly, only 10 to 15 percent of laughter is the result of someone making a joke, said Baltimore neuroscientist Robert Provine, who has studied laughter for decades. Laughter is mostly about social responses rather than reaction to a joke.

“Laughter above all else is a social thing,” Provine said. “The requirement for laughter is another person.”

Over the years, Provine, a professor with the University of Maryland Baltimore County, has boiled laughter down to its basics.

“All language groups laugh ‘ha-ha-ha’ basically the same way,” he said. “Whether you speak Mandarin, French or English, everyone will understand laughter. … There’s a pattern generator in our brain that produces this sound.”

Each “ha” is about one-15th of a second, repeated every fifth of a second, he said. Laugh faster or slower than that and it sounds more like panting or something else.

Deaf people laugh without hearing, and people on cell phones laugh without seeing, illustrating that laughter isn’t dependent on a single sense but on social interactions, said Provine, author of the book “Laughter: A Scientific Investigation.”

“It’s joy, it’s positive engagement with life,” said Jaak Panksepp, a Bowling Green University psychology professor. “It’s deeply social.”

And it’s not just a people thing either. Chimps tickle each other and even laugh when another chimp pretends to tickle them.

“That’s my candidate for the most ancient joke,” Provine said. “It’s a feigned tickle. That’s primal humor…”

Songbird’s Genome Carries Speech Clues: (CBS) Scientists have sequenced the complete genome of a songbird – the Australian zebra finch – and say the complex mechanisms by which young birds learn songs from their parents offer insight into human speech acquisition.

The international team, led by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, found that most of the bird’s DNA is involved in hearing, imitating, and producing even simple melodies.

Because the analysis traces the vocal learning down to the molecular level – and because humans and finches have much of their genomes in common – the research could lead to strides in combating human speech disorders such as those related to autism, stroke, stuttering and Parkinson’s disease.

“The zebra finch genome will be a valuable tool for neuroscientists,” said lead author Wes Warren. “They can now carry out studies to identify a core set of genes in the zebra finch brain involved in both hearing and producing song and then look to see if any of these genes are disrupted in people with speech disorders.”

Singing activates a large swath of the zebra finch’s genes – some 800 in all. The researchers found that many of the genes did not manifest in the traditional way, by coding for proteins. Instead the DNA from these genes helps write short stretches of “non-coding RNA,” which in turn affects how other genes are expressed in a cascading effect.

Non-coding RNA is already known to play key roles in developmental processes in humans and in animals.

The zebra finch is only the second bird to have its genome decoded. The first was the chicken. The research is set to appear in the journal Nature on Thursday.

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How are President Obama and the Democrats faring in the polls after passing health care? Two conflicting polls.

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Funny April Fools Day

31 Mar

From Denny: Check out the latest Cheeky Quote Day over at The Social Poets! Here are a few of the funny quotes:

* April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. – Mark Twain, Pudd’nhead Wilson, 1894

* Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed. – Mark Twain

* A fellow who is always declaring he’s no fool, usually has his suspicions. – Anonymous

* Politicians never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge. – Thomas Reed

* Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. – Chinese Proverb

* Don’t approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side. – Jewish Proverb

Hike on over to The Social Poets to enjoy a funny video, funny photos, and – I totally guarantee you haven’t seen this fashion outfit – it’s the weirdest fashion statement yet. Not even Lady Gaga wore this crazy thing! 🙂

Check it out the full post of laughs: Funny April Fools Day – Cheeky Quote Day 31 Apr 2010

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Funny April Fools Day

31 Mar

From Denny: Check out the latest Cheeky Quote Day over at The Social Poets! Here are a few of the funny quotes:

* April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. – Mark Twain, Pudd’nhead Wilson, 1894

* Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed. – Mark Twain

* A fellow who is always declaring he’s no fool, usually has his suspicions. – Anonymous

* Politicians never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge. – Thomas Reed

* Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. – Chinese Proverb

* Don’t approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side. – Jewish Proverb

Hike on over to The Social Poets to enjoy a funny video, funny photos, and – I totally guarantee you haven’t seen this fashion outfit – it’s the weirdest fashion statement yet. Not even Lady Gaga wore this crazy thing! 🙂

Check it out the full post of laughs: Funny April Fools Day – Cheeky Quote Day 31 Apr 2010

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Funny April Fools Day

31 Mar

From Denny: Check out the latest Cheeky Quote Day over at The Social Poets! Here are a few of the funny quotes:

* April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. – Mark Twain, Pudd’nhead Wilson, 1894

* Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed. – Mark Twain

* A fellow who is always declaring he’s no fool, usually has his suspicions. – Anonymous

* Politicians never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge. – Thomas Reed

* Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. – Chinese Proverb

* Don’t approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side. – Jewish Proverb

Hike on over to The Social Poets to enjoy a funny video, funny photos, and – I totally guarantee you haven’t seen this fashion outfit – it’s the weirdest fashion statement yet. Not even Lady Gaga wore this crazy thing! 🙂

Check it out the full post of laughs: Funny April Fools Day – Cheeky Quote Day 31 Apr 2010

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Forget the Birds: Awesome Recipes 4 Stale Bread

31 Mar

From Denny: Chef Jose Andres of a restaurant in Washington, D.C., shares with us some great ideas of what to do with leftover stale bread. Many times my husband has come home with his latest “grocery prize” of day or two old artisan bread for a great price – only to discover it’s so tough it can’t be sliced easily. Grating it into fresh bread crumbs is an easy solution. If you are patient you can close it up into a plastic storage bag and place it in the fridge, take it out the next day and see if the crust has softened enough to slice. Usually, it does and all is well at our house once again. 🙂

Chef Jose Andres offers up some favorite recipes for stale day old bread from his native Spain like Castilian Garlic Soup, a mushroom and ham saute and a dessert by the name of Apple Charlotte. Yum! Since my great-grandmother came from “southern” Spain and was a wonderful cook I just had to see what she might have cooked in her day when she lived in Spain. Check it out what you can do with stale bread for delicious, easy and inexpensive recipes:

Castilian Garlic Soup
Bread with oyster mushrooms and Spanish ham
Jaleo’s Apple Charlotte

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Sopa de ajo (Castilian garlic soup)

From: Chef Jose Andres

4 servings

Chef Andres: Wherever I go in my travels, I find Spanish people who are proud they know how to make this traditional Castilian dish, no matter which region they come from. My good friend Magin Revillo, the Washington correspondent for Radio Nacional de España (Spanish national radio), makes one of the finest garlic soups I ever tasted — even though he grew up in Barcelona.


• 6 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced
• 3 tablespoons Spanish extra-virgin olive oil
• 2 tablespoons white wine
• 1/2 tablespoon pimentón (Spanish sweet paprika)
• 6 ounces rustic white bread, crust removed, torn into small pieces
• 1 quart chicken stock (see page 000)
• 2 large eggs
• Salt to taste
• 1 tablespoon chopped flat parsley


In a medium saucepan over medium heat, sauté the garlic in the olive oil until golden brown, about 1 minute. Add the white wine and continue cooking until the alcohol evaporates, about 30 seconds. Add the pimentón and sauté for 1 minute.

Add the bread and pour in the stock. Stir together and bring to a boil. Once it reaches a boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.

Add the eggs and stir with a spatula to fold them into the soup. The eggs will form long strands, almost like noodles. Simmer for 2 more minutes and add salt to taste. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.

You can make this soup with water if you like. It’s the traditional way but I find that chicken stock makes for a richer and tastier soup. Instead of adding the whisked eggs, you can poach a whole egg per person: just break the eggs into a barely simmering soup and leave them for 2 or 3 minutes without disturbing.

Bread with oyster mushrooms and Spanish ham

From: Chef Jose Andres

4 servings

Chef Andres: There are many different versions of migas, a dish that has sustained many a Spanish family when food was scarce. I often talk about recipes made of humble ingredients that can feed an entire family, and this is a perfect example. It shows what can be done when leftovers are the only option. Over the years many of these survival dishes have become beloved delicacies. I love this one for its simplicity and intense flavor.


• 1 medium banana pepper
• 4 tablespoons Spanish extra-virgin olive oil
• 1 tablespoon minced shallots
• 2 cups oyster mushrooms or saffron milk cap mushrooms (available in autumn)
• 2 fresh thyme sprigs
• 1 ounce thinly sliced jamón serrano
• 1/4 cup seedless red grapes, halved
• 1 12-inch day-old baguette, thinly sliced (about 4 cups)
• Sea salt to taste


Preheat the broiler. Roast the pepper under the broiler, turning it as it browns. Transfer the pepper to a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and steam for 10 minutes. When cool enough to handle, peel the pepper, discard the skin and remove the seeds. Slice the pepper into ½-inch strips and set aside.

Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add the shallots and cook until translucent, about 1 minute. Add the mushrooms and the thyme and cook, stirring, for 3 minutes. Add the jamón and peppers and cook for 1 minute. Lay the bread slices on top of the mixture and drizzle with the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Stir the bread into the mixture and fry in the pan until it gets brown and slightly crunchy. Toss in the grapes and cook until heated through. Season to taste with salt.

Use day-old bread for this dish. You will get a better crunch.

Jaleo’s Apple Charlotte

From: Chef Jose Andres

Makes 12


• 7 apples (Fuji or another good baking apple), peeled, cored and sliced thin
• 1 cup sugar
• 4 tablespoons of butter
• 2 tablespoons of Rhum
• 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
• 2 beaten egg yolks
• For the crust
• Butter
• Half a loaf of brioche bread, cut half into 1/4″ cubes and the rest into slices as 1/4″ thick


In a large saucepan over medium heat, cook the apples with sugar until soft. Lower the heat and cover. Simmer until apples are soft saucy consistency. Add butter, rum and vanilla. Continue to cook for another 30 minutes. Remove mixture from heat and cool. Once cool, mix in the beaten egg yolks. Reserve

Clarify the butter. Toast the bread cubes in the clarified until golden and crisp. Reserve.

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. In each ramekin, place crisped squares on the bottom. Dip the brioche slices in the clarified butter and line the sides of the ramekins. Fill with the apple mixture. Place the ramekins in a baking pan. Fill the pan with hot water until it reaches halfway up the side of the ramekins. Bake for 35 minutes turning the pan once during baking to ensure even browning.

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Iran Scientist Defects to America, Obama Issues Sanctions – News Headlines 30 Mar 2010

30 Mar

Awesome Sauces 4 Spring and Summer Seafood

30 Mar

Boiled crawfish photo by adie reed @ flickr

From Denny: Spring is here in Louisiana and summer will be on its heels. The crawfish are in season and the shrimp, well, Gulf Shrimp are awesome any time from Louisiana to Mississippi to Florida. We prefer to eat local and are proud of our seafood. We are especially proud of our oysters for which we developed the pasteurization process to kill off potential dangerous bacteria. Because of this relatively new pasteurization process you can dine on raw oysters year round – if they are certified Louisiana oysters.

Compiled here are a number of simple seafood sauce recipes to enjoy on your seafood this spring and summer, whether you like raw oysters, boiled, fried, baked or broiled shrimp and crawfish. Remoulade, Creole and Cocktail sauces are very popular here. We will even take the last recipe of Beurre Creole sauce and layer it over a perfectly grilled steak. Lump crabmeat sauces are often combined with steak in our restaurants.

Recipes Featured:

Red Remoulade Sauce
Cajun Style Remoulade Sauce
Cajun Hot Sauce
Louisiana Traditional Creole Sauce
Louisiana Spicy Creole Sauce
Oysters Rockefeller Sauce
Shrimp Cocktail Sauce
Cocktail Sauce for large group
Cocktail Sauce
Beurre Creole


From: (TV station)

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Yields: 2 Cups

This Creole-style rémoulade is thought to be the original Louisiana version. This sauce can be served over shrimp, lump crabmeat or salad.


1 cup olive oil
¼ cup red wine vinegar
¾ cup Creole mustard
½ cup sliced green onions
¼ cup chopped parsley
¼ cup minced celery
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tbsp paprika
salt to taste
Louisiana hot sauce to taste


In a large ceramic mixing bowl, combine olive oil, vinegar and Creole mustard. Whisk until well blended. Mix in green onions, parsley, celery and garlic. Add paprika for color. Continue mixing until well blended. Season with salt and hot sauce. Cover with plastic wrap, place in refrigerator and allow to sit overnight.

Shrimp Remoulade at Tujaques, photo by gary j wood @ flickr


From: Wayne Allen @


1/4 of a large red pepper
1/2 stalk of celery
1 green onion (including all the green)
1/4 cup of fresh parsley leaves
3/4 cup of mayonnaise
2 tbs of Dijon mustard
2 tbs of ketchup
2 tbs of horseradish
a couple shakes of worcestershire sauce (Lea and Perrins brand is best)
a couple shakes of Tobasco bramd hot sauce
2 tsp of paprika
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper


Puree in food processor or blender until smooth.





2 tbsp. unsalted butter
1 1/2 c. onion, chopped
1 c. celery, chopped
1/2 c. bell pepper, chopped
1 green raw jalapeno pepper with seeds, minced
1 clove garlic, minced


1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp. white pepper
1 tsp. red (cayenne) pepper
1 c. fresh tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1/2 c. tomato sauce
1 bay leaf
1 1/4 c. seafood stock or shrimp stock
3/4 c. brown sugar, packed


Melt butter in a saucepan over medium high heat. Add onion, celery, bell pepper, jalapeno and garlic and cook about 3 minutes. Add the seasoning mix and stir well. Add tomatoes, tomato sauce and bay leaf, cover, and bring to a boil. Add the stock and brown sugar and return to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook about 15 to 20 minutes.

Use this sauce for a shrimp and rice dish: Add the 1 lb. raw medium shrimp, peeled and deveined shrimp and bring the mixture back to a boil. Cover, cook about 5 minutes, and remove from heat. Serve the shrimp on top of a mound of rice surrounded with sauce. Serve with lots of cold beer.


Yield: 2 cups


2 tbsp. chopped green onion
2 tbsp. chopped green pepper
1/4 c. sliced fresh mushrooms
1 tbsp. oil
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. dried sweet basil
16 oz. can low sodium tomatoes, undrained


Saute onion, green pepper and mushrooms in oil over low heat 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and simmer 20 minutes. Serve with fish, chicken or beef.


For: Fish or roasted meat



3 tsp. melted butter
2 bell peppers, chopped fine
1 finely chopped onion
1 garlic clove
1 (#2 1/2) can tomatoes with puree
3/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
4 diced chili peppers


Boil 45 minutes to 1 hour, stirring with wooden spoon. Sauce is placed over meat in a flat dish in refrigerator overnight. Then, when ready, cook meat as desired.

COCKTAIL SAUCE for boiled shrimp

YIELD: 4 1/2 cups – for serving a large group.


2 c. ketchup
2 c. chili sauce
1/4-1/2 c. prepared horseradish (we like the cream variety at our house)
2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1/4 c. cider vinegar (we prefer fresh lemon juice)
6 drops Tabasco sauce (we like Louisiana Hot Sauce brand, less vinegary, and we use more since it is not as hot as Tobasco – about 2 Tablespoons)
1/4 c. finely minced celery
1/4 c. finely minced onion


Mix together and refrigerate. Use for all seafood cocktails.




1/2 c ketchup
1/4 c. lemon juice (or less)
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp. horseradish
6 tbsp. minced celery
3 tbsp. grated onion (or less)
1/4 tsp. salt


Chill. Yields 1 1/2 cups sauce. 1 cup sauce will serve 4 to 6 cocktails.

SHRIMP COCKTAIL SAUCE – tomato sauce version


1 small can tomato sauce
Dab of Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp. brown sugar
Dab of Garlic salt
1/2 bottle cocktail sauce
Picante sauce to taste
Creamy horseradish to taste

DIRECTIONS: Mix all together.

Oysters Rockefeller Sauce

PREP TIME: 1 hour


This, the most famous of all oyster dishes in Cajun country, was first developed at Antoine’s Restaurant, by Jules Alciatore in 1899. Named Rockefeller because of its incredible rich flavor, the original recipe included no spinach.


1 dozen shucked oysters with liquid
1/4 pound butter
1/4 cup diced onions
1/4 cup diced celery
½ cup chopped green onions
2 tbsps diced garlic
1 cup cooked frozen spinach (thawed)
1 tbsp flour
1 pint heavy whipping cream
½ ounce Pernod or Herbsaint
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Louisiana Gold Pepper Sauce
salt and cracked black pepper to taste


In a two quart sauce pan, melt butter over medium high heat. Sauté onions, celery, green onions and garlic, approximately three to five minutes or until seasonings are wilted. Add cooked spinach, and using a metal spoon, chop well into the vegetable mixture. Cook until spinach is hot and well incorporated into seasonings. Add flour and blend well into mixture, being sure to remove all lumps. Add whipping cream and oyster liquid, stirring constantly until sauce is thick and bubbly. Add Pernod, sugar, Worcestershire and Louisiana Gold. Continue stirring until all is well blended. Season to taste using salt and pepper. To ensure a sauce-like consistency, additional cream or water may be added. Continue to cook approximately 10 minutes, add oysters and cook 5 minutes. Pour the contents of the sauce pan into a blender and puree on high speed. Serve 2-ounces of the Oysters Rockefeller Sauce with your favorite trout, chicken or veal dish.

Beurre Creole

PREP TIME: 15 Minutes


This sauce is excellent over broiled or sautéed fish or grilled shrimp.


8 ounces unsalted butter, chipped
½ cup dry white wine
2 tbsps lemon juice
2 thin lemon slices
¼ cup jumbo lump crabmeat
¼ cup diced tomatoes
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tbsp sliced green onions
8–10 whole peppercorns
1 whole bay leaf
3 whole basil leaves
1 tsp tomato sauce
dash of Louisiana hot sauce
salt and cayenne pepper to taste


In a sauté pan, combine wine, lemon juice, lemon slices, crabmeat, tomatoes, garlic, green onions, peppercorns, bay leaf and basil over medium-high heat. Sauté approximately 3 minutes or until juices are rendered into the pan. Add tomato sauce, blend well into mixture and continue to cook until juices have been reduced to approximately 2 tablespoons. Swirling pan constantly, add a few chips of butter at a time until all is incorporated. Do not use a metal spoon or wire whisk as hot spots may develop and butter will separate. Season to taste using hot sauce, salt and pepper. Serve as is, or strain if desired.

*** For more recipes please visit:

Romancing The Chocolate
Comfort Food From Louisiana
Unusual 2 Tasty

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New Astronomy Photos: Cosmic Rosebud, Winds of Change Black Hole, Orion Nebula

30 Mar

Cosmic Rosebud

From Denny: Check out the latest version of Spring buds, the Cosmic Rosebud out in space. NASA’s latest WISE space telescope (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) has discovered a vast cloud in deep space, brimming with new stars inside flower-like wisps of interstellar dust. Astronomers do like to wax romantic. This area of pretty glowing space dust is known by its more academic name as the Berkeley 59 cluster.

Winds of Change supermassive black hole

Check out the scary Winds of Change in this galaxy. This is a composite image of the spiral galaxy NGC 1068. There is a supermassive black hole growing rapidly at its center. X-ray readings from NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory are shown in red, optical emissions are in green, and radio emissions are in blue.

Get this: the X-Ray data indicates that driven out of and away from the galaxy’s center is a strong wind that is so fast it is blowing at a rate of a million miles per hour.

Scientists believe that just an “average” supermassive black hole like this one can alter the evolution of its host galaxy.

Orion Nebula

This is the most dramatic detailed image of the Orion Nebula to date. It comes from the European Southern Observatory’s new VISTA survey telescope (Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy). The VISTA is the latest addition to ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. It happens to be the largest survey telescope in the entire world! Its been dedicated to mapping the sky at infrared wavelengths.

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Awesome Story of Giving That Healed a Town: A Circle of Hands

30 Mar

Awesome Story of Giving That Healed a Town: A Circle of Hands

29 Mar